I'm raising money for Support Heritage - Health Care Ads, can you help? https://tiny.kimbia.com/t/U...
Posted by BluShadow at 9/25/2009 02:20:00 PM 0 comments
You always here the LibProgressives decrying the BIG Corporations. How come we are not hearing a peep about GE being in BED with Obama? Why was it GE was in Russia talking business even as the Admin announced it would not put the defense shield in Poland after all? Who is making the trains in Russia? What CEO continued doing business with IRAN illegally? GE's Jeffry Immelt. Oh & Jeffy is also an ADVISOR TO BHO, don't suppose he pushes his own agenda with the White House do you? NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST THERE......... I don't know about you but I am stocking up on the EVIL incandescent bulbs. I have NO intention of using POISONOUS MERCURY FILLED LIGHTBULBS. OK alot can happen in the next few years with relation to how these bulbs are made but right now you have to have a Hazerdous waste removal process should you break on of these bulbs. Well, it is getting harder and harder to find light bulbs not made by GE but I do. You'd think since they are big in the Carbon Credits business they would have removed all these evil bulbs from the store shelves.
I have replaced all my appliances except my stove. It is the only remaining GE item in my home. When we move next year as much as I like the stove it stays with the house and I buy a new NON GE stove. I practice what I preach. GE is truly an Evil corporation it is the only one I am fully aware of at this time. The more I study it the more it scares me.. So PLEASE BOYCOTT GE AND PASS ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS TO BOYCOTT ALSO.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/22/2009 02:16:00 PM 0 comments
Help Heritage!
I'm raising money for Support Heritage - Health Care Ads, can you help? https://tiny.kimbia.com/t/U...
Posted by BluShadow at 9/22/2009 01:15:00 PM 0 comments
Millions of Reasons we still have poverty in the USA
Large amounts of American taxpayer dollars are being given to countries where corrupt authoritarian dictators rule and the United States is openly vilified.
Just a small example of some of the foreign aid being doled out:
- $98 million to supposedly strip Kim Jong Il’s North Korea of nuclear weapons
- $20 million for political prisoners in Raul Castro’s Cuba.
- $6 million to promote a civil society in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela
- $500,000 for border security in MuammarGaddafi’s Libya.
- $26 million for police in Eva Morales’ Bolivia.
- $56 million to support the rule of law and human rights in Vladimir Putin’s Russia – “Arguably one of the world’s richest nations.”
Posted by BluShadow at 9/22/2009 12:00:00 PM 0 comments
No Water for CA farmers but lots of Mercury
You don't have to live in CA to call Senators, Reps & the Govenors office and DEMAND water be turned back on in the Valley. We all get food from these farmers. If you are ok with eating veggies & nuts from othr contries then sit back and do nothing.
The Delta Smelt only lives for one year & yet the Govt denies the Nations most fertile valley water to save the stupid little thing. Mercury mines have polluted many many watersources in CA & the Govt does nothing to clean it up. So if the Smelt dies of Mercury Poisoning perhaps the Govt will get off its ass & clean up the waterways, then come up with a screen system & a "Smelt Path" so the Valley can once again get water, CLEAN WATER. Currently they are doing nothing & even built a colony for local Indians RIGHT ON TOP OF waste from a mine. They state they knew it was contaminated but didn't know at the time how dangerous Mercury poisoning is. Yeah Right.
"It took a hundred years to occur," said the EPA's Meer. "And it may take a hundred years or more to solve."
Posted by BluShadow at 9/21/2009 05:39:00 PM 0 comments
Federal Reserve Gone WildÃÂ |ÃÂ The 51st Star
Posted by BluShadow at 9/19/2009 08:14:00 PM 0 comments
Representatives who want to continue to fund Acorn
Remember them. Contact them. Vote them out.
Brady (PA)
Brown, Corrine
Carson (IN)
Castor (FL)
Davis (IL)
Edwards (MD)
Green, Al
Jackson (IL)
Jackson-Lee (TX)
Johnson, E. B.
Kilpatrick (MI)
Larsen (WA)**
Lee (CA)
Lewis (GA)
Markey (MA)
Meeks (NY)
Moore (WI)
Moran (VA)
Nadler (NY)
Neal (MA)
Polis (CO)
Price (NC)
Sánchez, Linda T.
Scott (GA)
Scott (VA)
Thompson (MS)
Posted by BluShadow at 9/18/2009 03:05:00 PM 0 comments
Mercury Litebulbs Required - Read this
Damn CA screwed itself in many ways but the FED is piling on BIGTIME click on the title to read this bit of crap. They cut off the water to the most fertile valley in the nation & top it off with incompetence in cleaning up Mercury waste. What is it gonna take to get more Americans involved in stopping this runaway Govt? http://tinyurl.com/mq96a6
Posted by BluShadow at 9/17/2009 11:04:00 PM 0 comments
Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare:
Since the beginning of the War on Poverty, government has spent $15.9 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars) on means-tested welfare. In comparison, the cost of all other wars in U.S. history was $6.4 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars).
Under President Obama, government will spend more on welfare in a single year than President George W. Bush spent on the war in Iraq during his entire presidency.
According to President Obama's budget projections, federal and state welfare spending will total $10.3 trillion over the next 10 years (FY 2009 to FY 2018). This spending will equal $250,000 for each person currently living in poverty in the U.S., or $1 million for a poor family of four.
Over the next decade, federal spending will equal $7.5 trillion, while state spending will reach $2.8 trillion. These figures do not include any of the increases in health care expenditure currently being debated in Congress.
Click the link to read the entire article at the Heritage Foundation
Posted by BluShadow at 9/16/2009 10:21:00 AM 0 comments
No one with insurance will be affected???
What about when your employer decides to drop your coverage because he can save money by paying the penalty?
We will use monies that are already being spent. We will protect Medicare. No one will cut their benefits on my watch. I will not sign a bill that will bring a deficit." "Heallth care reform will cost less than the wars & will stop our economic freefall.
I wonder here what is so drastically different in the bill coming out in the Senate.
It amazes me how his inflections & cadence of speech change depending on his audience. NO bill with a deficit?????? How about the Stimulus Crap Bill?
"The public option will just be an option" "Are you fired up & ready to go?"
SHEESH this man is an IDIOT. He is acting like a THUG not a President.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/15/2009 10:46:00 AM 0 comments
You Go Joe
Wilson Takes to House Floor to Announce Health Bill Concerns, Issues No Apology
By PoliJAM | September 14, 2009
Taking to the House floor for a ‘One-Minute Speech,’ where a member of Congress can choose to speak about any topic for a maximum of one minute, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) took to the floor to announce his concerns for the Democratic health care reform proposal.
The ‘One-Minute Speech,’ which is recorded into the Congressional Record, noticeably contained no apology from Mr. Wilson who has been threatened with punishment by House Democrats who have demanded an apology from the Congressman for shouting ‘You Lie!’ from the House floor at President Obama.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/14/2009 06:49:00 PM 0 comments
WA state needs a few good Conservatives to run against Patty Murray in 2010 any ideas? I have NoOne right now I can get behind & support. BTW, pharma companies are among Sen. Murray's top contributors. She's taken in $156,050 from pharma since 2005,according to opensecrets.org, and likely will face little opposition in 2010 from Republicans in this state UNLESS CONSERVATIVES come up with a few people to check out and determine if they uphold not only the Constitution but the values of the majority of people in WA state.
I am not just attending Tea Parties and Town Halls I am in it for the long term for this Beautiful State of WA where I was born & raised & for the rest of this Country.
For the right candidate I will work my butt off. Let's hear some ideas, PLEASE!!
Posted by BluShadow at 9/10/2009 02:48:00 PM 0 comments
Applause for Joe Wilson
I applaud Joe Wilson for having the guts to speak the truth. BHO called a whole lot of people liars,( including American citizens who disagree with this mess,) who are not. Having read the bills & keeping my eye on the Immigration issue I guess in a way you can say he was telling the truth, but that is only because after the first of the year the plan is too grant amnesty to all illigals & therefore, there would be no illegals getting health care. Also, listen to the man for Gods sake. He tells us what he is doing if you only listen. Take this "You won't have to change your insurance" this may be technically true because when your employer opts to pay the 8% penalty & drop coverage, YOU didn't change anything it was changed for you & you end up on one of the "Exchange Plans". So read & understand the bills & then listen with both ears. This is a TERRIBLE thing for Americans.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/10/2009 08:59:00 AM 0 comments
Teach YOUR own children proper values
Isn't this illegal?
Via USA Today:
Anyone tempted to ignore the 2010 Census will have a tough time doing it — especially if they have kids in school.
The government has launched Census in Schools, an all-out campaign targeting superintendents, principals, teachers, students and, indirectly, parents, as schools open across the nation this month and next. The message: The Census is coming and here’s why everyone should care.
The goal is to send posters, teaching guides, maps and lesson plans to every school in the nation, Puerto Rico and U.S. island territories to encourage everyone to participate in the national count. The materials will land in more than 118,000 schools and reach 56 million students.
“It’s great to reach the children because children are such strong voices in their homes,” says Renee Jefferson-Copeland, chief of the Census schools program. “In households that are linguistically isolated, they can express the information to their parents.”
…Between January and March, the Census Bureau will help plan a week of Census education in schools. During Census Week, teachers will devote 15 minutes every day for five days to the topic by discussing such things as civic participation, confidentiality or geography.
I find this last paragraph quite disturbing. Yes you can teach about the Census & its original intent. Also teach it is now used as a tool to jerrymander. It is not the job of the Census Bureau to give schools lesson plans.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/09/2009 10:04:00 AM 0 comments
Thanks to Polijamblog
This admin is so full of S*** & such well spoken I JEST folks.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/06/2009 05:33:00 PM 0 comments
Text of Resignation Letter:
September 5, 2009
Van Jones Resigns as Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the Council on Environmental Quality
WASHINGTON, DC - Van Jones, Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the Council on Environmental Quality resigned today. Below is the text of his resignation letter, sent to Chair Nancy Sutley:
"I am resigning my post at the Council on Environmental Quality, effective today.
On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.
I have been inundated with calls - from across the political spectrum - urging me to "stay and fight."
But I came here to fight for others, not for myself. I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.
It has been a great honor to serve my country and my President in this capacity. I thank everyone who has offered support and encouragement. I am proud to have been able to make a contribution to the clean energy future. I will continue to do so, in the months and years ahead."
LIES & DISTORTIONS???? I SAW EACH AND EVERY VID SHOWING THE WORDS COME OUT OF YOUR LYING MOUTH & READ YOUR OWN WORDS FROM VARIOUS SPEECHES. I suppose someone put those words on paper or prompter & you read them without knowing what you were saying since you signed the Truther Petition but really didn't know what it was about.
Which liar is next & Obama would you please tender your resignation also? Pretty Please.......
Posted by BluShadow at 9/06/2009 09:38:00 AM 0 comments
Ain't it the truth! Click here
Stixblog sends another smile with much truth in it.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/04/2009 09:42:00 AM 0 comments
Fabulous Series Please read. Another from STIX blog
This should be day four of this great endeavor. Please read days 1-3 and check back with the blog for days 5-7. It helped to have someone else offer an opinion on what some of these health care NO reform ideas might really mean. Not someone telling youw what these things mean, but as an aid in thinking for yourself & trying to work some sense into often nonsensical paragraphs. I know it is TOO much to ask but I really would hope Congress would come back out with about 20 pages of ideas in PLAIN ENGLISH. stix1972Throwing Darts At HR3200 - Day 1 http://bit.ly/17SN6K
Posted by BluShadow at 9/03/2009 02:10:00 PM 0 comments
“Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever persuasion, religious or political”
— Thomas Jefferson
Posted by BluShadow at 9/02/2009 10:50:00 PM 0 comments
The most dispicable thing I have seen in years!
WWF tries to deny approval of this disgusting ad. It brought tears to my eyes.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/02/2009 06:45:00 PM 0 comments
Sen Harry Reid is a ChickenS***
By invitation only! Harry Reid is a gutless weasel. Won't even allow his constituents into bogus rally. Watch this garbage.
Posted by BluShadow at 9/01/2009 07:46:00 PM 0 comments
Blog Archive
- I agree with Trent Franks
- I'm raising money for Support Heritage - Health Ca...
- Help Heritage!
- Millions of Reasons we still have poverty in the USA
- No Water for CA farmers but lots of Mercury
- Federal Reserve Gone WildÃÂ |ÃÂ The 51st Star
- Representatives who want to continue to fund Acorn
- Mercury Litebulbs Required - Read this
- Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare:
- You Go Joe
- Applause for Joe Wilson
- Teach YOUR own children proper values
- Will you get out and work towards Term Limit for a...
- Thanks to Polijamblog
- Ain't it the truth! Click here
- Fabulous Series Please read. Another from STIX blog
- “Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever p...
- The most dispicable thing I have seen in years!
- Sen Harry Reid is a ChickenS***