
you had to see it

When Harkin says “Segregation on the basis of health” the first time and the camera switches to the president….the way he slowly closes his eyes in a silent “holy crap, he’s not really saying that. Please, please God make this man go away.” Is just priceless.

29Victor on February 25, 2010 at 5:18 PM
ON Hotair Blog

Harkin is an idiot

talking points to suck you in, Govt is not responsible for you


Obama’s Health Plan – Taxes, Taxes Everywhere | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Obama’s Health Plan – Taxes, Taxes Everywhere The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

GOP Healthcare

Follow the link there are some really good ideas here not considered by Pelosi

Romney Endorses McCain « Liveshots

Romney Endorses McCain « Liveshots

Glenn Beck Vs. Limbaugh and Bennett On The Republican Party. I’m With Beck On This One. | Right Wing News

Glenn Beck Vs. Limbaugh and Bennett On The Republican Party. I’m With Beck On This One. Right Wing News

Brown better than TK but not great

Told my husband from the start to watch out for Scott Brown, if you LISTENED to the man much like BHO he said what he would do. An obvious clue was his adoration of John McCain! Billie is right on, Brown said he would do what is best for MASS a TOTAL BLUE STATE he is a US Sen now and will often join with the Ms Rhinos of Maine in the future. Look back it was mainly Rhinos & hard liners praising his win. I was nervous and I unfortunetly was right. Research these candidates they affect the life of EVERY US citizen. Sure listen to what they say BUT REALLY listen. Better look at what they have done in all aspects of their lives. Do they have the same values you do?

Hypocrite Hucksterbee

Didn't go because he was not asked tp spew errr speak

Go Glenn

CPAC comments on Mitt's speech

Mitt Romney is now a comedian says downhill medal stripped from Lindsey because BHO going downhill faster ahahahahahah
CPAC has had some great speakers, will listen to Mitt as he brags about the Conservative comeback. The Repubs better stop being so damn cocky. We are going to vote a bunch of them out too. Mitt talks about Scott Brown stopping Obama care,I've got news for you. Obamacare is being worked on behind closed doors at this very moment to be presented as a fait accompli at the 2/25 so called Bipartisan health care metting. HealthCare destruction aka Obamacare is NOT DEAD.
Do appreciate him slamming BHO for dissing Supremes at State of the Union address.
"WHEN IT COMES TO BLAME PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY" Great line Mitt! Mitt sounding good but I am still not convinced he is right for US. Huckabee certainly is not the one 912ers and Tea Party Patriots should be looking either.
Listen to MItt talk about reining in health care costs Romney care workin out in MA? Think not.
Hate it when they plug their book repeatedly.
America reflects the value of our founders.....well it doesn't right now but it should. He is right about that.
All in all Romeny spoke well, I just don't believe him completely.

They never stop

Whew hoo go ahead plan your wedding now
Removing Lead Paint from a Pedestrian Bridge ($3.5 million)
A historic bridge in Salem, Oregon is about to get a paint job and some security cameras with a $3.5 million stimulus grant from the Department of Transportation.367 Through the years, the bridge has been painted with lead-based materials, which local officials would now like to remove. The Union Street Railroad Bridge, built in the early 20th Century, has been closed to trains for decades and has recently been converted to a pedestrian thoroughfare over the Willamette River. Attempting to underscore the importance of the bridge to local economic growth, Todd Klocke with the City of Salem, told a reporter, ―There have been talks about half marathons or other events using the bridge, we have also heard about a couple that want to get married on the bridge in the spring.‖

OregonE AGAIN!!

Are these people real?
Wastewater Treatment Center with “Talking Water Gardens” ($8 million)
Oregon will use $8 million in stimulus loans for a wastewater treatment project featuring a tourist-friendly ―Talking Water Gardens.‖280 According to news reports, the spectacle would ―funnel effluent from the city‘s wastewater treatment plant into wetlands…where it would be naturally cleansed and cooled down‖ before flowing into the Willamette River.281 In order to spend the money as fast as possible, the city of Albany will issue a non-competitive contract for work on the project.282 According to the city‘s planning document, ―the waterfall component is expected to have an important acoustical impact that is the driver for the name ‗Talking Water Gardens.‘‖283 Local residents will also be facing an increase in sewer rates to pay for the new water treatment system.

Thanks McCain

Arizona Ants Work While Some Arizonans Remain Unemployed ($950,000)
Although the unemployment rate in Arizona is still in the double digits, at least ants in the state have jobs. Two major universities in the state are receiving a combined $950,000 to examine the division of labor in ant colonies. Arizona State University was awarded $500,000 in stimulus funding by the National Science Foundation, while the University of Arizona will receive $450,000.232 Among other things, the universities will examine larval development, ant caste systems, and ―colony fitness.‖233 Arizona State University will focus specifically on the genetic makeup of ants that determine distinctive roles within the ant colony.234 The University of Arizona will utilize the information to develop ―a model [for ants] to determine the optimal strategy for distributing specialists in a variable work environment.‖235 Ultimately, 3.46 jobs will be created from this study—two jobs for Arizona State University and 1.46 jobs for the University of Arizona, according to

enhance your drive REALLY?

Highway “Beautified” by Fish Art
A fish sculpture in Kennewick, Washington, was funded by the stimulus legislation and designated as a transportation enhancement. The fish art can be seen in the median of a busy intersection and is part of $122,000 allocated for the Columbia Park Overlook Project to improve sidewalks and bike paths

OregonE brilliance strikes again

Recovering Crab Pots Lost At Sea ($700,000)
A $700,000 grant will pay for 48 people to help Oregon crabbers recover crab pots they have lost at sea.178 The two-year project expects to yield 2,000 lost pots a year. Oregon crabbers reportedly lose an estimated 15,000 crab pots a year. The effort will use 10 boats, planes, and a telephone hotline for people to phone in crab pot sightings.179 If all 4,000 pots are recovered as expected, the grantees will spend an average of $175 per crab pot, though John‘s Sporting Goods in nearby Everett, Washington sells new crab pots online for as little as $19.95.180 At that price, crabbers could purchase nearly ten times as many crab pots as this program is expected to reclaim.

Braindead Island elites score again

Police Boat Gets High-Tech Upgrade Even As Force May be Downsized ($190,000)
The tranquil hamlet of Bainbridge Island, Washington, received $190,000 to upgrade a patrol boat for which it has little need—while it considers downsizing its police force.
Several years ago, CNN named Bainbridge Island, outside Seattle, as its number two best place to live in America, noting the island's vacation-like feel, low population (just over 20,000) and low crime rate.43 After years of decreasing crime, the city turned to the police force as a source of budget cuts in 2009, trimming it to a force of 20.44 At the same time it was considering cutting police, the Bainbridge Police Department was awarded a $190,000 stimulus grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to upgrade its boat.45 Funds will be used for technology upgrades advanced enough to allow the boat to ―test vapor or surfaces for microscopic traces of explosive material.‖46
This is not the first time the Bainbridge Island police force has received a federal grant from the Department of Homeland Security for advanced technology. In 2007, a $646,000 grant helped Bainbridge Island purchase a Safe Boat, normally reserved for the Coast Guard, to patrol the island.47 Bainbridge Island officials were at first puzzled, citing little need for such an advanced boat at the small locality, though it ultimately accepted the funds.48 ―There is not another patrol boat like this anywhere in the region,‖ police Chief Mark Duncan said at the time.49 Noting the unusual nature of the situation, former Bainbridge police chief, Matt Haney, whose force was too small to effectively maintain and operate the boat, ―We got a nice boat through a grant. But we don't have the personnel to run it.‖50 A 2005 federal grant also provided Bainbridge Island with $637,000 for video surveillance and fencing.

More Stinkulus

Another great idea....
Research to Develop Supersonic Corporate Jets ($4.7 Million)
Lockheed Martin will receive a total of more than $21 million in federal money—with $4.7 million funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to advance research for supersonic jet travel.27 High ticket costs, fuel-guzzling and the infamous sonic ―boom‖ helped doom commercial supersonic travel in the past; the last Concorde jet flew in 2003.
The benefits of NASA‘s current research, experts say, will likely go first to business executives, who can afford one of the handful of personal supersonic jets that companies hope to roll out in several years, with a price tags in the tens of millions of dollars.28 Lockheed itself is assisting a private bid to develop a supersonic corporate jet.29 ―Spend a cold morning in Aspen [Colorado]. Make your afternoon meeting in Paris. And be back in Chicago for dinner,‖ says an online ad for the QSST aircraft,30 which is expected to be able to fly at speeds approaching 1,200 miles an hour, presumably carrying whomever has $80 million to buy one.31
The benefit to most Americans of Lockheed‘s research is far off, if it even exists: while an impressive feat, commercial supersonic travel is expected to remain prohibitively expensive for decades. ―The economics of commercial… supersonic jet transport are just cruelly grim,‖ one expert recently told a reporter.32
One of NASA‘s lead scientists on the project rejects that, however. ―We have brilliant people . . . that have come up with solutions that are going to make it economically viable. We're going to fly supersonically over the U.S.,‖ said Louis Povinelli, a senior NASA scientist. ―Eventually.‖33

Happy Bday Stinkulus

Renovations for Federal Building as Expensive as New Building ($133 million)
Taxpayers in Oregon may be surprised to learn that the largest stimulus project in their state is not a new road or bridge, but a $133 million makeover for the federal building in downtown Portland.14 The money will go toward ―greening‖ the Edith Green/Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in the hope of making it a model for energy efficient government offices in the Northwest.15 That said, for $133 million some may wonder why they did not simply tear it down and start over.
It is not yet clear how all of the money will be spent—those decisions will largely be made by a contractor to be hired by the General Services Administration.16 For now, agency officials expect to construct a type of vegetative skin—made of plants—on the exterior of the building, to help with heating and cooling costs.17 Vegetative facades on buildings, however, are a little studied field according to some experts.18
In 2007, a new federal building was constructed in downtown San Francisco with similar state-of-the-art energy efficiency features for $144 million—nearly the same cost to merely renovate the Portland Federal Building.19 Both buildings are eighteen stories tall, built with energy efficient technologies, and house federal agency offices. The major difference is that the San Francisco building is much larger, with an additional 100,000 usable square feet in comparison with its counterpart in Portland.20

Great Idea!

Editorial Cartoons

Editorial Cartoons

Reid puts his bill before bipartisanship

Reid puts his bill before bipartisanship
Another example of the weasel he is

No, America Isn’t ‘Ungovernable’ | Lux Libertas - Light and Liberty

No, America Isn’t ‘Ungovernable’ Lux Libertas - Light and Liberty

Great article!

The Official Unraveling of the Obama Presidency

The Official Unraveling of the Obama Presidency

Now Obama Discovers GOP Health Care Proposals?

Now Obama Discovers GOP Health Care Proposals?

A reminder of BHO

A reminder of the total lack of respect & patriotism this punk feels for our nation and military.

Mystery Billboard Minnesota

Well I really disliked Bush I loath the current cretin. Hey Bush even had enough respect to wear a tie on the billboard.........

Do they or don't they?

BHO"S Best Friend

Let's start calling Dems terrorists & see what happens!
Union Chief: Senators Are ‘Terrorists’ For Not Voting With Big Labor
(Read WP posts from Warner Todd Huston) | (Read MT posts from Warner Todd Huston)
Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern said that Senators that vote against his ideas are “terrorists.” That’s right, folks, this union chief is saying that any politician that votes against the politically motivated ideas of Big Labor should be branded a “terrorist.” This is the sort of gutter rhetoric that union thugs specialize in but...
Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern said that Senators that vote against his ideas are "terrorists." That's right, folks, this union chief is saying that any politician that votes against the politically motivated ideas of Big Labor should be branded a "terrorist."

This is the sort of gutter rhetoric that union thugs specialize in but regardless Stern should be ashamed of himself for bringing the political debate down into that gutter. Scum. Andy Stern is simply scum for using such idiotic and demagogic rhetoric.

Stern said this line of crap to Bloomberg News (as reported by

“There are a lot of terrorists in the Senate who think we are supposed to negotiate with them when they have their particular needs that they want met,” Stern told Bloomberg News. His comments, which appeared in BusinessWeek magazine, apparently were prompted by the senators' reluctance to support the union-sponsored bill.

All this over a bill in Congress? Really?

And let's remind everyone what this bill Stern is griping about does. The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) or the Card Check bill summarily eliminates the ability of potential union employees to vote their conscience in a secret ballot. That's right Stern wants to take away a centuries old democratic right from his own members. Not only that but the EFCA wants to impose government arbitration on contract talks that go on longer than the government feels they should. After this all too short negotiation period, this bill give the federal government the power to come in and impose its own terms on both the employer and the union. That pretty much takes power from the worker and the employer both!

CNSNews also has an excellent point about this outrageous comment: where's the Media coverage? Imagine if a right leaning politician or activist said that anyone that disagrees with them was a "terrorist." How do you think the news would have treated that one?

(Cross posted at