
From Stixblog & worth a look

Great article, I knew she got alot done in 2.5 years just didn't realize how much.
click the title to read.

This is a must read on the Banking system & more

You Cannot Bank On The Bankers.
Well, you can bank on them screwing you!

Got to say my thoughts and prayers go out NOT to Mass but to all the families who have lost loved ones in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. They never pre-empt my channel for those warriors protecting my freedoms. Stop what you are doing right now and say a prayer for all our Military Heros. They deserve our thougths and prayers, they deserve our thanks. 47 Years in the Senate is an ego trip not public service. Special interests should be his middle name. Now maybe we can get Congress to obey the laws of the land and stop trying to grant amnesty. Now maybe we can stop cutting defense spending and all this other crap. Legacy of lies & destruction, may it stop here & now.
Defund Schip, obey the constitution and HONOR our Military NOT career politicians.


RIH Ted Kennedy damn it they are pre-empting Glen Beck. Thank goodness I can get local weather on some channel. I really don't want to hear the glorification of a murderer for the next 2 weeks. Bad enough he got that medal the other day. I can hear it now, some of the few Dems who were going to vote Nyet on the Health Care destruction bill under reconciliation are now going to be pressured to vote Yea in honor of the Liar of the Senate err I mean Lion. If you are offended by my thoughts, OH WELL. I am true to myself and this man was an evil corrupt liar intent on destroying my country so I am not going to play like I care. Right up to the end he tried to manipulate the process so Good Riddance. Well I can bet the good folks of Mass will stupidly put another Kennedy into the Senate. I mean the guy thought he owned the damn position. It is time to stop career politicians and in case you have not noticed this is still America (at least for another week or two) not a monarchy, Senate seats are not inheirited. I mean the insanity infiltrated that other NE state with that little Drug addict, car accident while under the influence Kennedy being elected and re-elected. I mean give me a freakin break. Ok I'll stop for now but I also hope the GD cable stations stop repeating the freakin news for the next many days.
Medal of Freedom my ass, should have been the award for the worst Senator, the man who worked tirelessly to strip Americans of freedom. Beloved by some but not by many.

Baird town hall I was there

This Marine spoke his heart, hearing it first hand was a wonderful thing. It deserved more than a 3 word reply.

uncle Freds attic brings you I will Follow (Nobama)

Obama song for Old People

Shovel Ready?

click the link to see how so called stimulus funds are spent

Dem Scandals end in Quiddick!!

Not Spamgate. Democrat scandals should end with “quiddick.” Spamaquiddick!

wolfie on August 23, 2009
Gotta Love this idea!!

Bama: "we know where the lies are coming from"

Well again he is lying! The lies come out of his mouth! When will someone ask how the Dr.s are able to practice law with 'END OF LIFE CONSULTATIONS?"

have you heard this one yet?

Bama without TOTUS that is about it too.

Keep your needles away from me!

Acorn monitoring my weight? BureauRats telling me I need a vaccine? Don't F***in think so!
This is in the Senate Help Committee Health Reform Bill. There is no way we can let this stuff go through. I have much more to read but I want to know what to look out for when they get back in session and eventually get together to draft the final bill.
Subtitle C: Creating Healthier Communities
Synopsis: This subtitle enables health improvement to occur in communities as well as in medical settings.
Most chronic diseases can be prevented through lifestyle and environmental changes. Community
prevention programs encourage physical activity, good nutrition, and the reduction of tobacco use, making
it easier for individuals to make healthy choices.
Community Transformation Grants: This section authorizes the Secretary to award competitive grants to eligible
entities for programs that promote individual and community health and prevent the incidence of chronic disease.
Communities can carry out programs to prevent and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases associated with
overweight and obesity, tobacco use, or mental illness; or other activities that are consistent with the goals of
promoting healthy communities. [§ 321]
Healthy Aging, Living Well: The goal of this program is to improve the health status of the pre-Medicare-eligible
population to help control chronic disease and reduce Medicare costs. The CDC would provide grants to states or
large local health departments to conduct pilot programs in the 55-to-64 year old population. Pilot programs would
evaluate chronic disease risk factors, conduct evidence-based public health interventions, and ensure that individuals
identified with chronic disease or at-risk for chronic disease receive clinical treatment to reduce risk. Pilot programs
would be evaluated for success in controlling Medicare costs in the community.
[§ 322]
Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities: Amends the Americans with Disabilities Act to establish standards for
accessibility of medical diagnostic equipment to individuals with disabilities. [§ 323]
Immunizations: Authorizes states to purchase adult vaccines under CDC contracts. Currently, 23 states purchase
vaccines under CDC contracts. These contracts for adult vaccines provide savings that range from 23-69 percent
compared to the private sector cost. Authorizes a demonstration program to improve immunization coverage. Under
this program, CDC will provide grants to states to improve immunization coverage of children, adolescents, and
adults through the use of evidence-based interventions. States may use funds to implement interventions that are
recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force, such as reminders or recalls for patients or
providers, or home visits. Reauthorizes the Immunization Program in Section 317 of the Public Health Service Act.
[§ 324]

Weapons Survey Rasmussen

This is interesting, looks like they didn't ask the right women the right questions...

Not fooled by co-op chatter in WA

What separates the American health care system from others in the world is the relationship between patients and their doctors. Unlike the government-run health care systems in Canada, Great Britain and other countries, our system allows Americans to make health care decisions without government rationing of care. Any attempt at health care reform must strengthen, not hurt, the relationship between patients and doctors. Patients and their families need to be able to make health care decisions based on consultations with doctors. We do not need Washington bureaucrats deciding what we can and cannot do. The co-op chatter is just a sham. The gov will run the co ops don't let them kid you. Some have said 3-5 years of Govt. subsidy to get things going. Hahahahaha how long did they say they would be helping AMTrak? I'm just saying......... Keep the pressure on your Reps.

7 Deadly Sins of BHO

I am so sick of this creep.
Most of you reading this already know this stuff so send it on to your family & friends.

Boycott the Boycotters

Click & visit the Defend Glenn site. Hopefully noone has Progressive Ins anyway but if you do it is Time for a Change!

Food for thought

Have you heard of the American Stonehenge? Read this:

Fire Them All!

There are people we have elected to Congress who have been there 10, 20, 30, 40, even over 50 years! Our Congress has been betraying our trust and selling us out for generations. They not only suffer no consequences for what they've done; they've benefited greatly from their wheeling and dealing. They take an oath to protect our best interests and defend our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and yet they make a mockery of that oath.
Read more of this article here

Time for a Smile

The Pope in alaska

Dr speak on Reform

Well this is cute, from the Stixblog now if only the damn Dr's would really stand up and speak out against this Refrom crap.

Vid of Obama's so called Town Hall Meeting

Bet your local news didn't show these crowds outside!


The scariest thing is the line about the Pres stays Pres until the "emergency" has passed please read and post a comment.

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

There are good ideas in this op-ed which once again belies the Libs claim that there are no other ideas out there & that Conservatives are simply the party of NO.

From a comment string

crosspatchon 09 Aug 2009 at 7:19 pm

Can you spot the “astroturf”?

Pro Obamacare supporters with identical garb carrying identical signs paid for by the same Soros-funded groups as funded the anti-war demonstrations vs groups of individuals not wearing identical shirts carrying homemade signs they made with materials they bought themselves.

Obama Drama Rap - Let's Dance

Check out this cute little rap song. Break out your dancin shoes

A day off for fun

Leaving puter home taking a short trip to CO just for fun. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Was Pelosi So Wrong About Swastikas? | Sweetness & Light

Was Pelosi So Wrong About Swastikas? | Sweetness & Light

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Isn't this reverse discrimination? Newest Justice should love this!

page 18 subtitle E


FLAG THIS! An Open Letter from an ObamaCare Dissenter

In politics on August 5, 2009 at 1:53 pm

The following email was sent to

Dear Obama,
You have severely underestimated the American people. It’s not surprising considering your open disdain for this country and its citizens. You thought we’d go quietly and follow you off the cliff, but we’re not as stupid as you think. Sure, you fooled a slight majority of the population into believing your empty platitudes about “Change.” But as soon as people started to realize your idea of change really meant imposing socialism on America, your popularity began to plummet. It’s taken about 8 months for people to wake up but less than half of the country now supports you. And as for your agenda, it’s even less popular. You took the American people for chumps. You believed we were fat, lazy and stupid. You thought it would be easy to destroy us from within. You were wrong. We know the truth about ObamaCare. All we have to do is listen to your own words. Over a period of time you plan to eliminate private insurance and move to a single payer government plan. If that were implemented you would have control over every aspect of our lives. But it ain’t gonna happen. The American people have been awakened and they will not allow you to “change” this country any further. In your mind you think the ends justify the means. You childishly believe we can achieve a socialist utopia and once everyone sees how wonderful it is, they will forgive and even thank you for imposing it on us. But America isn’t some banana republic ripe for the picking. As much as you may hate it, this country was founded on principles of freedom and it runs deep in our blood. You are not a king or a dictator who gets to impose his will on us. You are just a citizen, no better and no worse than any other. This is a representative government and you are not representing the will of the people. Feel free to try to convince us your way is better by playing in the arena of civil discourse and free speech. But the lying and strong-arm tactics have to stop. The American people will not allow it. It’s time for you to stand down Mr. President. We have rejected ObamaCare and the sooner you realize that the better it will be for all of us.

The Daily Instigator

This website has great information several times a day Check it out at

Are you spreading Fishy Ideas about Health Care?

This contains the letter Sen. Cornyn from Texas sent to Obama so far I have not seen a reply from the Commander in Fishyness himself. Please read

Letter to the Olympian

Let me know if it shows up in the paper in the next 7-10 days.
The Olympian
Dear Editor:
I have taken the time to read the various versions of the Health Care Bill. I know what it says & yet my Representatives don't really have a clue. I may not understand every nuance but I can understand the general picture. I know at most 1% of Reps have even read one of the current versions. Millions of Seniors will be allowed to just die, QALY's, Commissions, Exchange Plans, Taxes will increase for small business, MILLIONS will lose their current plans regardless of what Obama keeps saying. These plans that need to be melded into one ARE NOT PAID FOR. Taxpayer funded abortion and free care for illegals. They will tell you it is not in the bill. Well, if it is NOT EXPLICITLY forbidden you can bet it will be standard practice. These are facts. Committee Chairmen need to stop refusing to even listen to GOP & even DEM offerings. There have been many from both sides totally ignored.
This is not the reform Americans need or want.

Check out Friends of John Thune, South Dakota U.S. Senator

Title: Friends of John Thune, South Dakota U.S. Senator


Sen. Risch from Idaho actually says some things he thought about before he answers. Like it when he said there is Bi-partianship on Health reform that is AGAINST the bills. I said that a few weeks ago. It will be worth checking out his record as I am not familiar with him. Might be a good guy, we sure need a few of those!!

Sen Leahy asks why Rx drugs cost so much more in the US than in other countries? Well lets see. WE do the R&D to develop drugs, we subsidize Canada & we have ridiculous laws covering original & generic. We develop them and then other countries use them before we can.
I love these people who demand there be a singlepayer option in health care, do they even know what that means? Do they know what it will mean to their care?
OMG I am so sick of hearing about all the "rowdy people being bussed in to protest at Town Meetings". Leahy keeps bringing up the stupid birthers and the missing certificate. Obama is pushing back really hard. He hates it when others use his methods against him. HAAHAA. One simpering little woman said the Reps need to demand proper ID before people can enter the Town Hall meetings. Hmmm I don't recall that being an issue when Obama was campaigning (he still is) or when they bussed in Acorn to terrorize the Corp Execs who got the bonus payments promised them by contract.

Gotta read lack of Vitamin D Umm Recess

After you read this you'll probably see it the same way I do. I could have told you this without reading this article. Perhaps you can print it out for your less informed friends. Ok lets see. Don't drink Real Milk with Vit D, no recess kids might get a freakin bruise. Gotta use Sunscreen even if you are just walking out to the car. Knock it off. Think back to when you were a kid and didn't have a puter or a tv in your room. You spent HOURS outside. Recess at school without layers of sunscreen, baseball in the streets at home. You drank real milk not some white beverage watered down until tasteless. Get your ass outside, exercise a bit and enjoy a cold glass of REAL milk in the sunshine. It won't kill you, might even help you live longer to live a simple life. Enjoy!

Todays Speeches Unwrapped

Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) - liar, crook & corrupt he tells us our healthcare is a nightmare, does he use it? where did he get is mortgage? Again with you get to keep your plan & Doctor he has NOT read the bill he is reading right from Pelosi memo "everyone in this place has submitted a bill & had it denied" BullShit! he has no clue. Would love to go to his TH meeting and say a few words. Public option would solve all that. LIES LIES AND MORE LIES.
Dodd (CN) all of the above & still we wait for details on his sweetheart mortgages from CountryWide no delays in treatment for his testicle cancer would your husband, father, brother, son get the same haste in treatment under Obamacare? He wants to pay for "kids" over the age of 26. Best not let them vote or drink or serve in the Armed Forces then.
Ron Wyden (OR) he dosn't even need the Senate health plan he can afford whatever he wants. He actually has some half assed ok ideas and his fellow Dems shot him down. They want a ONEPAYER system. But then incentavize people to stay healthy. OH God here we go. Lower your chol. lower your blood pressure, you just have to learn how to live how we tell you too and all will be well.
Harkin (Iowa) oh he really knows all about going to a Dr. & asking to be told how to be kept healthy. They give you a program and then check up on you to make sure you are following the program. HOW STUPID is that comment. Don't Freakin call me and ask me how I am living my life! Here we go, Hate those people in Insurance making millions of dollars a year but WE IN THE SENATE BAILED OUT THE BANKERS MAKING MILLIONS. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THIS A WELLNESS SOCIETY INSTEAD OF A SICK SOCIETY. THE FREAKIN DAMN ARROGANCE!

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

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Re: the Health Ins Plan
If nothing else read pages 28-38 get your own take on it. Too me it reads the "essential benefits" package would cover 70% up to 10k per family. The "enhanced benefits" package would cover 85% and the "premium benefits" package would cover 95% of the actuarial value of benefits. Don't take my understanding of this for granted. Read it. Too me it says many people who now have Ins that pays 80% will have to pay 10% more out of pocket. I got so bogged down around page 545 I had to start reading all over again and will probably reread it again and again until I truly (think) I understand it and so I have solid questions to ask my reps when they hold Town Halls.

anyone you know flying anytime soon? How to piss off your seatmates and get yourself thrown in jail. Gotta laugh

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