
Sen Leahy asks why Rx drugs cost so much more in the US than in other countries? Well lets see. WE do the R&D to develop drugs, we subsidize Canada & we have ridiculous laws covering original & generic. We develop them and then other countries use them before we can.
I love these people who demand there be a singlepayer option in health care, do they even know what that means? Do they know what it will mean to their care?
OMG I am so sick of hearing about all the "rowdy people being bussed in to protest at Town Meetings". Leahy keeps bringing up the stupid birthers and the missing certificate. Obama is pushing back really hard. He hates it when others use his methods against him. HAAHAA. One simpering little woman said the Reps need to demand proper ID before people can enter the Town Hall meetings. Hmmm I don't recall that being an issue when Obama was campaigning (he still is) or when they bussed in Acorn to terrorize the Corp Execs who got the bonus payments promised them by contract.


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