Week after week we hear the screeching from the Left about the so called separation of Church & State. The reason for that is simply that it is a form of control over the "little" people. Remember Michelle Obama saying "Barack will make you come out of your comfort zones", Barack proclaiming we were 5 days away from "Fundamentally Transforming America"? They were telling you exactly what they planned to do but too few listened or even bothered to wonder what that might mean.
Now 20 months later as we look around we see a different country, one that is not just slipping away - IT is racing hell bent for leather over a cliff that may not be survivable.
So much has been happening for many many years, much more has been happening in the last 10-15 right in front of our noses but many are too shallow caught up in a "busy" life with no time or inclination to even really live or to understand that things are changing.
The seemingly random challenges to prayer in school, Bible verses in public buildings, the attack on Christmas and all things Christian the insanity of banning traditions that bind families together.
The constant chatter from the left and many on the right about Education, we need to start practically at birth, we need more money, we need to feed more kids breakfast and lunch, we need more money, we need after-school programs, we need more money, now we need after-school snacks, we need more money, test scores are low we don't want other countries having smarter kids, WE NEED MORE MONEY & on and on thru college and grad school. ALWAYS THE NEED FOR MORE MONEY. And yet year after year we hear the same pleas and education only gets worse, now teaching 7 & 8 year olds how to use a condom. Helping young girls commit murder on the unborn with no thought of consulting the parents. That is not the job of a school. Where does the money go? Who decided that schools knew more about raising children than parents?
With all that goes on these days many families have decided they had to cut back on God time, don't make it to church--just too busy. How many families have actual home cooked meals together anymore? All of this is part of a long term plan to remake this country in an image ( that we who are aware and care about the wisdom of our Founding Fathers and the Freedoms Guaranteed to us by God & protected in our Constitution, instinctively reject.)
There is so much that is going on both in the background and in our faces that no one person can keep up with it all.
I spend time listening & following tidbits to where they lead. Much of what I learn frightens me but more than that it pisses me off!! I've come into contact with a lot of like minded people mainly @ TeaPary events & on Twitter & I believe we must fight to keep this avenue of sharing information open and free. We need each other to fight for the country we love and the freedoms we cherish.
I come across info and want to share it - so others can ignore it or share it so more people learn what goes on and what it means. We may get it wrong but mostly I believe we will get it right.
Look how far we have come from not really having much of a clue but knowing things were not right to suddenly working to defeat a presidential candidate we knew in our guts was going to change our lives in a way we did not agree with. We didn’t defeat him in Nov of 2008 but we are going to continue our growing effort to defeat him in Nov of 2010 and beyond. Not just him but all those involved. Look how far we have come from that first Tea Party many of us attended in April of 2008 where there were a couple hundred people at best to Tea Parties against health care where several thousand people showed up to send a message. And for many of us to over ½ a million people who gathered on the Mall in Washington DC on 8/28. That was not political in nature but it sure did send a message. “They” got the message Loud & Clear, we have gone from ignored, to ridiculed, to reviled and yes FEARED. We have a lot of work to do and I pray each day we grow in numbers and do not stop, do not get tired of the fight, do not give up & go back to just being. Believing we have to give up freedom for security, we can’t forget we are not safer we are just less free. To continue to tell our elected EMPLOYEES what we expect of them & work to FIRE them if they work against our wishes.
The following is the beginning of an idea I had when I started learning about Dodds Livable Communities Act. Communities is a word popping up more & more just look.
You will start to see a PATTERN of CONTROL of your every waking hour ( in some cases even your sleeping ones!)
I’m sure the idea was underway long before George W Bush but his administration started a dialogue with the Churches that continues to this day.
This is the first in a series of samples that should concern us all.
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to Host 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable on Disaster Preparation and Response
Contact: Rebecca Neale, The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 202-456-7348
WASHINGTON, May 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Monday, May 19, 2008, the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI), joined by U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, will convene a Compassion in Action Roundtable titled, "Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery: The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Building Resilient Communities." Hosted by OFBCI Director Jay Hein, the Roundtable will explore the critical and increasing role of faith-based and community organizations across America in disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts. Additionally, the event will spotlight innovative policies and technologies enabling public-private partnerships to help build resilient communities.
A complete Compassion in Action Roundtable agenda is attached.
White House Compassion in Action Roundtable
"Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery: The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Building Resilient Communities.”WHERE:
The White House
Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)
Room 450
Tuesday, May 19, 2008
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT
Members of the press should arrive at the Northwest Appointment Gate by 12:30 p.m. EDT to ensure entry.
NOTE: Members of the press who do not have a White House press credential must fax his or her name (as it appears on his or her driver's license), Social Security number and date of birth on company letterhead to (202) 456-7019 no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, May 19, 2008.
Welcome and Introduction
Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives1:10 p.m.
The Role of FBCO's in Emergency Preparedness
Moderator: Erin Streeter, Director, Ready Campaign, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Panelist: Jennifer Posten, Manager, Ready Houston!, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
Panelist: Kary Kingsland, U.S. Director, Convoy of Hope
Panelist: Mary Marr, Founder and Chairman, Christian Emergency Network
Click on the link for more on this organization. http://tinyurl.com/26uylps dated 8/3/2010 Phoenix AZ. Thought the accusations against Patriots being terrorists fizzled out. That’s what they want you to think.
Panelist: Paul Goldenberg, National Director, Secure Community Network 2 p.m.
Keynote Remarks - Secretary Michael Chertoff
U.S. Department of Homeland Secretary
2:10 p.m.
Heralding Unheard Voices: The Value of FBCO's During Disaster
Pete Hull, Task Lead, Homeland Security Institute
http://tinyurl.com/25tpcc if FBO & NGO’s are so great what the heck do we NEED govt for? Seems as you read this the privates took up the slack. I’m not surprised.
2:20 p.m.
Technology as an Engine for Community Solutions in Times of Disaster
Governor Scott McCallum, President & CEO, Aidmatrix Foundation2:30 p.m.
FBCO's and their Vital Role in Disaster Response and Recovery
Moderator: Berl Jones, Deputy Director, Individual Assistance Division, Disaster Assistance Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Panelist: Wendy Spencer, CEO, Volunteer Florida, Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service
Panelist: Penny Dendy, Executive Director, Volunteer Mobile, Inc., Alabama
Panelist: Don Gann, Assistant Director of Disaster Relief, Mississippi Baptist Convention Board
Panelist: John Hope Bryant, Founder and Chairman, Operation HOPE
Beginning my Journey through citizen control by way of LIVABLE COMMUNITIES
Posted by BluShadow at 10/14/2010 08:58:00 AM
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