
Frank Sinatra - Strangers on my flight

Frank Sinatra - Strangers on my flight

Comics « ObamaCare 411

Comics « ObamaCare 411

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

A Black Man, The Progressive’s Perfect Trojan Horse | Texas GOP Vote

A Black Man, The Progressive’s Perfect Trojan Horse Texas GOP Vote



YouTube - Planet Of The Apes - "Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!"

YouTube - Planet Of The Apes - "Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!"

Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter

Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter

YouTube - The End of America....The Cloward-Piven Strategy.

YouTube - The End of America....The Cloward-Piven Strategy.



YouTube - "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

YouTube - "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

YouTube - "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

YouTube - "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

Creative Minority Report: Obama Calls Republicans "Enemies."

This Bastard is an embarrassment to the United States of America - Impeach him 2011

Creative Minority Report: Obama Calls Republicans "Enemies."



» The Tea Party vs. the Ruling Class - Big Government

» The Tea Party vs. the Ruling Class - Big Government

OMG!!! Pissed off voter bumper stickers on back of pickup tru... on Twitpic

Love this Truck!!

OMG!!! Pissed off voter bumper stickers on back of pickup tru... on Twitpic

YouTube - The End of America....The Cloward-Piven Strategy.

YouTube - The End of America....The Cloward-Piven Strategy.

New Zeal: The Dawn of Liberty

Please watch and pass it on. Remember help your neighbor get out and vote!
New Zeal: The Dawn of Liberty



New Zeal: "We Ain't Going Away"

New Zeal: "We Ain't Going Away"

Beginning my Journey through citizen control by way of LIVABLE COMMUNITIES

Week after week we hear the screeching from the Left about the so called separation of Church & State. The reason for that is simply that it is a form of control over the "little" people. Remember Michelle Obama saying "Barack will make you come out of your comfort zones", Barack proclaiming we were 5 days away from "Fundamentally Transforming America"? They were telling you exactly what they planned to do but too few listened or even bothered to wonder what that might mean.

Now 20 months later as we look around we see a different country, one that is not just slipping away - IT is racing hell bent for leather over a cliff that may not be survivable.

So much has been happening for many many years, much more has been happening in the last 10-15 right in front of our noses but many are too shallow caught up in a "busy" life with no time or inclination to even really live or to understand that things are changing.

The seemingly random challenges to prayer in school, Bible verses in public buildings, the attack on Christmas and all things Christian the insanity of banning traditions that bind families together.

The constant chatter from the left and many on the right about Education, we need to start practically at birth, we need more money, we need to feed more kids breakfast and lunch, we need more money, we need after-school programs, we need more money, now we need after-school snacks, we need more money, test scores are low we don't want other countries having smarter kids, WE NEED MORE MONEY & on and on thru college and grad school. ALWAYS THE NEED FOR MORE MONEY. And yet year after year we hear the same pleas and education only gets worse, now teaching 7 & 8 year olds how to use a condom. Helping young girls commit murder on the unborn with no thought of consulting the parents. That is not the job of a school. Where does the money go? Who decided that schools knew more about raising children than parents?

With all that goes on these days many families have decided they had to cut back on God time, don't make it to church--just too busy. How many families have actual home cooked meals together anymore? All of this is part of a long term plan to remake this country in an image ( that we who are aware and care about the wisdom of our Founding Fathers and the Freedoms Guaranteed to us by God & protected in our Constitution, instinctively reject.)

There is so much that is going on both in the background and in our faces that no one person can keep up with it all.

I spend time listening & following tidbits to where they lead. Much of what I learn frightens me but more than that it pisses me off!! I've come into contact with a lot of like minded people mainly @ TeaPary events & on Twitter & I believe we must fight to keep this avenue of sharing information open and free. We need each other to fight for the country we love and the freedoms we cherish.

I come across info and want to share it - so others can ignore it or share it so more people learn what goes on and what it means. We may get it wrong but mostly I believe we will get it right.

Look how far we have come from not really having much of a clue but knowing things were not right to suddenly working to defeat a presidential candidate we knew in our guts was going to change our lives in a way we did not agree with. We didn’t defeat him in Nov of 2008 but we are going to continue our growing effort to defeat him in Nov of 2010 and beyond. Not just him but all those involved. Look how far we have come from that first Tea Party many of us attended in April of 2008 where there were a couple hundred people at best to Tea Parties against health care where several thousand people showed up to send a message. And for many of us to over ½ a million people who gathered on the Mall in Washington DC on 8/28. That was not political in nature but it sure did send a message. “They” got the message Loud & Clear, we have gone from ignored, to ridiculed, to reviled and yes FEARED. We have a lot of work to do and I pray each day we grow in numbers and do not stop, do not get tired of the fight, do not give up & go back to just being. Believing we have to give up freedom for security, we can’t forget we are not safer we are just less free. To continue to tell our elected EMPLOYEES what we expect of them & work to FIRE them if they work against our wishes.

The following is the beginning of an idea I had when I started learning about Dodds Livable Communities Act. Communities is a word popping up more & more just look.

You will start to see a PATTERN of CONTROL of your every waking hour ( in some cases even your sleeping ones!)

I’m sure the idea was underway long before George W Bush but his administration started a dialogue with the Churches that continues to this day.

This is the first in a series of samples that should concern us all.

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to Host 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable on Disaster Preparation and Response

Contact: Rebecca Neale, The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 202-456-7348

WASHINGTON, May 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Monday, May 19, 2008, the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI), joined by U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, will convene a Compassion in Action Roundtable titled, "Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery: The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Building Resilient Communities." Hosted by OFBCI Director Jay Hein, the Roundtable will explore the critical and increasing role of faith-based and community organizations across America in disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts. Additionally, the event will spotlight innovative policies and technologies enabling public-private partnerships to help build resilient communities.

A complete Compassion in Action Roundtable agenda is attached.

White House Compassion in Action Roundtable

"Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery: The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Building Resilient Communities.”WHERE:

The White House

Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)

Room 450


Tuesday, May 19, 2008

1 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT

Members of the press should arrive at the Northwest Appointment Gate by 12:30 p.m. EDT to ensure entry.

NOTE: Members of the press who do not have a White House press credential must fax his or her name (as it appears on his or her driver's license), Social Security number and date of birth on company letterhead to (202) 456-7019 no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, May 19, 2008.

Welcome and Introduction

Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives1:10 p.m.

The Role of FBCO's in Emergency Preparedness

Moderator: Erin Streeter, Director, Ready Campaign, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Panelist: Jennifer Posten, Manager, Ready Houston!, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston

Panelist: Kary Kingsland, U.S. Director, Convoy of Hope

Panelist: Mary Marr, Founder and Chairman, Christian Emergency Network

Click on the link for more on this organization. dated 8/3/2010 Phoenix AZ. Thought the accusations against Patriots being terrorists fizzled out. That’s what they want you to think.

Panelist: Paul Goldenberg, National Director, Secure Community Network 2 p.m.

Keynote Remarks - Secretary Michael Chertoff

U.S. Department of Homeland Secretary

2:10 p.m.

Heralding Unheard Voices: The Value of FBCO's During Disaster

Pete Hull, Task Lead, Homeland Security Institute if FBO & NGO’s are so great what the heck do we NEED govt for? Seems as you read this the privates took up the slack. I’m not surprised.

2:20 p.m.

Technology as an Engine for Community Solutions in Times of Disaster

Governor Scott McCallum, President & CEO, Aidmatrix Foundation2:30 p.m.

FBCO's and their Vital Role in Disaster Response and Recovery

Moderator: Berl Jones, Deputy Director, Individual Assistance Division, Disaster Assistance Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Panelist: Wendy Spencer, CEO, Volunteer Florida, Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service

Panelist: Penny Dendy, Executive Director, Volunteer Mobile, Inc., Alabama

Panelist: Don Gann, Assistant Director of Disaster Relief, Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

Panelist: John Hope Bryant, Founder and Chairman, Operation HOPE

YouTube - Tom Woods at Nullify Now, Ft. Worth

YouTube - Tom Woods at Nullify Now, Ft. Worth

Obama Administration Gave General Electric—Parent Company of NBC--$24.9 Million in...

Obama Administration Gave General Electric—Parent Company of NBC--$24.9 Million in...

15 Signs The U.S. Housing Market Is Headed For Complete And Total Collapse

15 Signs The U.S. Housing Market Is Headed For Complete And Total Collapse

The Looking Spoon: A Conservative Humor, Satire and Commentary Blog

The Looking Spoon: A Conservative Humor, Satire and Commentary Blog

Revealed: Obama’s real plan for Israel | The Blaze

Revealed: Obama’s real plan for Israel The Blaze

NRSC Fed Chairman Concerned With Patty Murray’s Big Spending Ways In D.C.

NRSC Fed Chairman Concerned With Patty Murray’s Big Spending Ways In D.C.

Glenn Beck Clips October 5, 2010#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter

Glenn Beck Clips October 5, 2010#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter#voter

Keep up the great work of being a Patriot and getting the word out to all!



Compare and contrast Glenn Beck rally vs One Nation rally aerial view : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Compare and contrast Glenn Beck rally vs One Nation rally aerial view : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

YouTube - "One Nation" 10-2 March - Incredibly Trashy

YouTube - "One Nation" 10-2 March - Incredibly Trashy

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

November is Coming | RedState

November is Coming RedState

YouTube - Patty Murray: Bailing Out Everyone But Us

YouTube - Patty Murray: Bailing Out Everyone But Us

Being Glenn Beck -

Being Glenn Beck -

CIA Officer Explains New World Order’s Demise…BLOGS RULE… | Project World Awareness

CIA Officer Explains New World Order’s Demise…BLOGS RULE… Project World Awareness

New Zeal: Terror Suspects were Active in Obama's Socialist "New Party"

New Zeal: Terror Suspects were Active in Obama's Socialist "New Party"

Lookout! Government peering at you with X-rays on highway

Lookout! Government peering at you with X-rays on highway

Carly gets it right!

Short Lesson In Govt w/Dennis Prager

"Pledge to America" Unveiled by Republicans (Full Text) - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"Pledge to America" Unveiled by Republicans (Full Text) - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
I have lots of comments but right now the biggest thing that jumps out at me is on page 15 where it says;
"We will make it illegal for an insurance company to deny coverage to someone with PRIOR COVERAGE on the basis of a pre-existing condition."

So if you never had insurance & have suffered a condition you cannot under their plan get coverage? Does it mean if you had insurance with SSS Co & got treatment in the past but let coverage lapse they would now have to cover you?
This is the kind of little detail we must hold feet to fire to get clarified when it comes around.

United States Strategy for Meeting the Millenium Development Goals

This is 33 pages but take the time to read it. It explains an awful lot of the nefarious crap Obama & Yes GW Bush are doing behind our backs.

YouTube - Ponderosa Dairy's response to Harry Ried

YouTube - Ponderosa Dairy's response to Harry Ried

New Sarah Web Ad: Tea Party

New Sarah Web Ad: Tea Party

wet your pants funny

Gov. Chris Christie Puts A Liberal Reporter In His Place! Christie For President!!! – First Patriots

Gov. Chris Christie Puts A Liberal Reporter In His Place! Christie For President!!! – First Patriots

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

Well Done Vid and WE MEAN IT!

The Rosett Report » Ground Zero Mosque: The Bombast of Imam Feisal

The Rosett Report » Ground Zero Mosque: The Bombast of Imam Feisal

Get out and do something or shut up!

More Prog lies

How Obama Thinks -

How Obama Thinks -

Power Line - Chris Christie rides again

Power Line - Chris Christie rides again

Great Job Tennis Shoe Bitch

Special to GOP2112

Special to GOP2112

obamaweed | YourDaddy's Politics

obamaweed YourDaddy's Politics

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven
Come and get it Barack Dog

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

Yfrog Image : - Uploaded by CSteven

Special to GOP2112

Special to GOP2112

Immigration Cartoons - US News and World Report

Immigration Cartoons - US News and World Report

White House’s Robert Gibbs engages in his first Twitter battle — with Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

White House’s Robert Gibbs engages in his first Twitter battle — with Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

8/28/10 Lincoln Memorial

A day we will never forget!

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer at a loss for words in first debate | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer at a loss for words in first debate The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

and so it begins

First Hilary ad

Soros Has a Pastor Close to Obama On His Payroll

Soros Has a Pastor Close to Obama On His Payroll

Patty Murray is Schizophrenic on Illegals on other things

Patty Murray Vote History on ILLEGAL immigration legislation:

1996: Voted against the Simpson Amendment to S.1664 to end chain migration. The Simpson Amendment to S.1664 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) would have ended chain migration which the Census Bureau projects will double the U.S. population again in the next century. The Senate voted 80-20 to kill the reform.

1996: Voted in favor of chain migration Sen. Murray voted against the Feinstein Amendment to S 1664 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) that would have significantly reduced chain migration by lowering annual admissions of spouses and minor children of citizens to 480,000 a year. The Feinstein Amendment was defeated by a vote of 74 to 26

2006: Voted in favor of procedural move to increase chain migration Sen. Murray voted for cloture on SA 3424, a "compromise amnesty" proposal by Sens. Hagel (R-NE) and Martinez (R-FL). This was a procedural vote that was highly tied up in partisan politics. Although it is impossible to know just why one voted against cloture, most of those voting for cloture did so because they wanted the bill to be passed in a succeeding vote. Therefore, most of the votes against cloture were votes against the amnesty. The Hagel-Martinez proposal would increase chain migration through an annual increase in the family-preference visa cap of 254,000. In addition, the proposal includes a one-time-only permanent increase of 105,660 visas for exempt family of "unused" employment-based visa holders between 2001-2005. The cloture motion failed by a vote of 38 to 60 on April 7, 2006

2006: Voted on Senate floor in favor of S. 2611 to increase chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of final passage of S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter), a bill to increase chain migration through an annual increase in the family-preference visa cap of 254,000. In addition, S. 2611 includes a one-time-only permanent increase of 105,660 visas for exempt family of "unused" employment-based visa holders between 2001-2005. S. 2611 passed by a vote of 62 to 36 on May 25, 2006

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of increasing chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on the substitute amendment (SA 1150) to S. 1348, a bill to increase chain migration by approximately 251,000 per year. The motion to invoke cloture would have ended debate on the proposal and limited further discussion of amendments to a previously-agreed upon set of proposals -- thus a vote in favor of cloture was effectively a vote in support of the amnesty-guestworker bill. The motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 45 to 50 on June 7, 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of amendment to increase chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Menendez Amendment (SA 1194) to S. 1348 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) to increase near-term legal immigration by more than 100,000 each year by changing the cut-off date for reducing the “backlog” of family-sponsored immigration applicants from May 1, 2005, to January 1, 2007. The Menendez Amendment failed by a vote of 53 to 44 (6 June 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of amendment to increase chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Menendez Amendment (SA 1194) to S. 1348 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) to increase near-term legal immigration by more than 100,000 each year by changing the cut-off date for reducing the “backlog” of family-sponsored immigration applicants from May 1, 2005, to January 1, 2007. The Menendez Amendment failed by a vote of 53 to 44 (6 June 2007; 7:54 pm).

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of amendment to expand chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Clinton Amendment (SA 1183) to S. 1348 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) to significantly increase legal immigration by adding an unlimited number of spouses and minor children of lawful permanent residents to the uncapped immediate relative category that currently is for the spouses, minor children and parents of U.S. citizens only. The spouses and minor children of lawful permanent residents currently are allocated some 87,000 visas each year. The Clinton Amendment failed by a vote of 44 to 53 (6 June 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of increasing chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Edward Kennedy), a bill to increase chain migration by approximately 251,000 per year. The motion to invoke cloture was a move to initiate debate on the proposal and limit further discussion of amendments to a previously-agreed upon set of proposals -- thus a vote against cloture was effectively a vote in favor of killing the amnesty-guestworker bill. The motion to invoke cloture passed by a vote of 64 to 35 (26 June 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639, a bill to increase chain migration Sen. Murray voted in favor of a second motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Edward Kennedy), a bill to increase chain migration by approximately 251,000 per year. The motion to invoke cloture would have limited further debate on the bill and moved it to a final vote. A vote in favor of cloture was effectively a vote in favor the amnesty-guestworker bill. The motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 46 to 53 (28 June 2007

1996: Voted against the Simpson Amendment to S.1664 to reduce the immigration lottery. The Simpson amendment to S.1664 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) would have reduced the annual number of visas allocated to the lottery category from 55,000 to 27,000. The amendment

1996: Voted in favor of the immigration lottery Sen. Murray voted against the Feinstein Amendment to S 1664 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) that would have eliminated the immigration lottery and significantly reduced chain migration. The Feinstein Amendment was defeated by a vote of 74 to 26

2004: Cosponsored S. 2252 to increase low-skill worker importation Sen. Murray cosponsored S. 2252 (the main sponsor was Sen. Edward Kennedy) to increase by 40,000 the annual cap for 2004 on H-2B visas for low-kill, temporary foreign workers. The bill dies in the Judiciary Committee.

1998: Voted for S.1723, nearly doubling hi-tech visas. Senator Murray helped the Senate pass S.1723 in a 78-20 vote. Enacted into law, it increased by nearly 150,000 the number of foreign workers high-tech American companies could hire over the next three years even though U.S. firms were laying off thousands of workers at the time.

1998: S.1723, Voted to allow American workers to be fired and repalced with a foreign worker. Senator Murray voted against the Kennedy Amendment (A-2418) to S.1723 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) that would have protected American workers from being fired and replaced by a foreign worker (H-1B visa holder). The amendment was defeated 38-60.

1998: Voted against offering jobs to Americans first. Senator Murray voted against the Kennedy amendment(A-2417) to S.1723 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) that would have required U.S. firms applying for H-1B visas to check a box on a form attesting that they had first sought an American worker for the job. The amendment failed 39-59.

2000: Voted for S.2045, a foreign worker bill with no worker protections. Sen. Murray voted for the Abraham foreign worker bill to nearly triple the number of foreign high-tech workers. Despite a GAO report finding no evidence of a worker shortage and suggesting fraud in the H-1B program, Senator Murray voted for this bill that included no worker protections or anti-fraud measures. The bill passed 96-1.

2003: Voted in favor of worker importation program in Singapore free trade agreement Sen. Murray voted in favor of H.R. 2739, the Singapore free trade agreement, that permits an unlimited number of workers from Singapore to enter the U.S. each year as "treaty traders or investors" who are coming to the U.S. to carry on trade between the U.S. and Singapore or to "establish, develop, administer or provide advice or key technical services" to the operations of a business in which they have invested capital. The Singapore Free Trade Agreement passed the Senate by a vote of 66-32.

2003: Voted in favor of foreign-worker importation program, H.R. 2738

Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Chile Free Trade Agreement, H.R. 2738 that permits an unlimited number of workers in Chile to enter the U.S. on L-1 visas. H.R. 2738 passed the Senate by a vote of 66-31.

2005: Voted against Byrd Amendment to prevent additional foreign-worker importation Sen. Murray voted against the Byrd Amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill. The Byrd Amendment would have stripped a provision to increase permanent, employement-based immigration by as many as 366,000 annually. The Byrd Amendment failed by a vote of 14 to 85 on November 3, 2005

2006: Voted against amendment to postpone guestworker program Sen. Murray voted against the Cornyn amendment to S. 2611 to prohibit DHS from implementing the guestworker provisions of S. 2611 unless the agency has certified that this bill’s border security measures are fully operational. The Cornyn Amendment failed by a vote of 40-55

2006: Voted to kill amendment to strike guestworker provisions Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to table the Dorgan Amendment (SA 4017) to S. 2611. The Dorgan amendment would have stricken the guestworker provisions of the bill that would add an estimated 8.4 million foreign workers and their dependents over the next ten years (according to a May, 2006 study by the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector). The motion to table passed by a voted of 68 to 29, effectively killing the Dorgan amendment on May 16, 2006

2006: Voted against killing amendment to cap guestworker visas Sen. Murray voted against a motion to table the Bingaman Amendment (SA 3981) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid). The Bingaman would cap the number of H-2C visas available annually for issuance at 200,000 and remove the 20% a year increase in annual guestworker visas. This would reduce the 10-year increase in foreign workers and their dependents from 8.4 million, as provided in the original bill, to two million. The motion to table the Bingaman amendment failed by a vote of 18 to 79 and the Bingaman amendment ultimately passed by voice vote on May 16, 2006

2006: Voted against amendment to increase worker protections Sen. Murray voted against the Cornyn amendment (SA 3965) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) provide modest protections to American workers by requiring employers to employ aliens in the position they were hired for and requiring DHS to certify that there is, in fact, a labor shortage in that particular field before visas are made available. The Cornyn amendment passed by a vote of 50 to 48 on May 17, 2006

2006: Voted in favor of amendment to weaken worker protections Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Kennedy amendment (SA 4066) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid). The Kennedy amendment weakens Sen. Cornyn's amendment (SA 3965) by not requiring Federal certification of the employer's need to import foreign workers. The Kennedy amendment passed by a vote of 56 to 43 on May 18, 2006

2006: Voted to increase greencards for foreign workers Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to table the Kyl amdendment (SA 3969) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid). The Kyl amendment would have prevented 200,000 guestworkers a year from adjusting to lawful permanent resident status on the basis of their status as a guestworker. This would have resulted in 2 million less greencards over a decade. The motion to table the Kyl amendment passed by a vote of 58 to 35, effectively killing the amendment on May 18, 2006

2006: Voted in favor of increasing foreign worker visas Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) which would have limited debate on the bill to increase foreign worker importation by approximately 600,000 visas per year. The motion to invoke cloture passed by a vote of 73 to 25 on May 24, 2006

2006: Voted against amendment to limit proposed guestworker program Sen. Murray voted against the Dorgan Amendment to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) to limit the proposed H-2C guestworker program to five years instead of 10 years. This would have reduced the number of new guestworkers under S. 2611 from two million to one million (200,000 per year for five years instead of 10 years). The Dorgan Amendment failed by a vote of 48 to 49 on May 24, 2006

2006: Voted on Senate floor in favor of S. 2611 to increase foreign worker importation Sen. Murray voted in favor final passage of of S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) which would increase foreign worker importation by approximately 495,000 visas per year. S. 2611 passed by a vote of 62 to 36 on May 25, 2006

2007: Voted in favor of amendment to kill proposed guestworker program Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Dorgan Amendment to S. 1348 to delete the provisions of S. 1348 that would create a new guestworker program for up to 600,000 foreign workers annually. The Dorgan Amendment failed by a vote of 31 to 64 (22 May 2007

2007: Voted in favor of reducing proposed guestworker program in S. 1348 Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Bingaman Amendment (SA 1169) to S. 1348. The Bingaman Amendment would reduce the annual importation of workers under the new guestworker programs proposed by S. 1348 from 400,000 to 200,000 workers per year. The Bingaman Amendment passed by a vote 74 of 24 (23 May 2007

2007: Voted in favor of amendment to sunset guestworker provisions of S. 1348 Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Dorgan Amendment to S. 1348 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) to sunset the guestworker provisions of the bill in five years. The Dorgan Amendment

2007: Voted in favor of amendment to S. 1348 increase fees on H-1B visas Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Sanders Amendment to S. 1348 increase the ees employers who wish to import H-1B high-skill nonimmigrant workers from $1,500 to $10,000, with the funds going to scholarships for American high tech students. The Sanders Amendment passed by a vote of 59 to 35 (24 May 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of amendment to protect American workers Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Durbin Amendment to S. 1348 to ensure that employers make efforts to recruit American workers before hiring foreign workers. The Durbin Amendment passed by a vote of 71 to 22 (5 June 2007;

2007: Voted on Senate floor against reducing foreign worker importation Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on the substitute amendment (SA 1150) to S. 1348, a bill to increase importation of temporary and permanent foreign workers. The motion to invoke cloture would have ended debate on the proposal and limited further discussion of amendments to a previously-agreed upon set of proposals -- thus a vote in favor of cloture was effectively a vote in favor of the amnesty-guestworker bill. The motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 45 to 50 on June 7, 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of increasing foreign worker visas Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Edward Kennedy), a bill to increase importation of temporary and permanent foreign workers. The motion to invoke cloture was a move to initiate debate on the proposal and limit further discussion of amendments to a previously-agreed upon set of proposals -- thus a vote against cloture was effectively a vote in favor of killing the amnesty-guestworker bill. The motion to invoke cloture passed by a vote of 64 to 35 (26 June 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor in favor of motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639, a bill to increase foreign worker importation Sen. Murray voted in favor of a second motion to invoke cloture on S. 1639 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Edward Kennedy), a bill to increase the importation of both temporary and permanent foreign workers. S. 1639 would increase the importation of temporary foreign workers by 340,000 year and also add 106,877 permanent workers a year for 5 years. The motion to invoke cloture would have limited further debate on the bill and moved it to a final vote. A vote against cloture was effectively a vote in favor of killing the amnesty-guest worker bill. The motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 46 to 53 (28 June 2007

2008: Voted in favor of tripling of the H-2B visa cap Sen. zzlastnameZZ, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, voted in favor of Sen. Mikulski's amendment to the Iraq Supplemental bill (H.R. 2642). This amendment triples H-2B cap (temporary, non-agricultural workers) from 66,000 to 198,000. This amendment passed in committee (23-6), but was stripped from the final bill

2004: Cosponsored S. 2252 to increase low-skill worker importation Sen. Murray cosponsored S. 2252 (the main sponsor was Sen. Edward Kennedy) to increase by 40,000 the annual cap for 2004 on H-2B visas for low-kill, temporary foreign workers. The bill dies in the Judiciary Committee.

1998: Voted for S.1723, nearly doubling hi-tech visas. Senator Murray helped the Senate pass S.1723 in a 78-20 vote. Enacted into law, it increased by nearly 150,000 the number of foreign workers high-tech American companies could hire over the next three years even though U.S. firms were laying off thousands of workers at the time.

1998: S.1723, Voted to allow American workers to be fired and replaced with a foreign worker. Senator Murray voted against the Kennedy Amendment (A-2418) to S.1723 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) that would have protected American workers from being fired and replaced by a foreign worker (H-1B visa holder). The amendment was defeated 38-60.

2003-2004: Cosponsored S. 1545 to reward illegal aliens with amnesty S. 1545 would have rewarded illegal aliens under the age of 21 who have been physically present in the country for five years and are in 7th grade or above with amnesty. An estimated 500,000 to 600,000 illegal aliens would have qualified for this amnesty.

2003-2004: Cosponsored S. 8 to reward illegal aliens with amnesty S. 8 would have rewarded illegal aliens with amnesty by granting in-state tuition and amnesty to certain college-age illegal aliens.

2007: Cosponsoring S. 340 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens (Ag JOBS) Sen. Murray is a cosponsor of S. 340 (whose main sponsor is Sen. Dianne Feinstein) to encourage more illegal immigration by rewarding certain illegal aliens who work in agriculture with amnesty.

2005-2006: Cosponsored S. 359 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Sen. Murray was a cosponsor of S. 359 to encourage more illegal immigration by rewarding certain illegal aliens who work in agriculture with amnesty.

2009: Cosponsoring S. 1038 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Sen. Murray is a cosponsor of S. 1038 to encourage more illegal immigration by rewarding certain illegal aliens who work in agriculture with amnesty.

2007: Cosponsoring S. 774 to reward illegal aliens with amnesty S. 774 (whose main sponsor is Sen. Dick Durbin) would reward illegal aliens under the age of 21 who have been physically present in the country for five years and are in 7th grade or above with amnesty. An estimated 500,000 to 600,000 illegal aliens would qualify for this amnesty.

2003-2004: Cosponsored S. 1645 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Sen. Murray cosponsored S. 1645 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Larry Craig) to encourage more illegal immigration by rewarding certain illegal aliens who work in agriculture with amnesty. This bill died in the Judiciary Committee.

2009: Cosponsored a bill to reward illegal aliens with amnesty Sen. Murray is a cosponsor of S 729, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors [DREAM] Act of 2007. S 729 would grant amnesty to illegal aliens under the age of 35 who have been in the United States for five consecutive years and came (illegally) to the United States before the age of 16. Such a reward for illegal immigration serves as an incentive for more illegal immigration.

1997: Voted for an amnesty to illegal aliens from Nicaragua and Cuba. Sen. Murray voted for a procedural move that helped allow the Mack Amendment to be included in S.1156 (the District of Columbia Appropriations bill). This amendment granted amnesty to illegal aliens from Nicaragua and Cuba and is expected to add close to one million people to U.S. population.

2000: Voted for an illegal immigration amnesty. Sen. Murray voted to include an amnesty for illegal aliens from Central America in the Senate H-1B bill (S.2045). This was a vote in favor of rewarding law-breakers with legal status. The move to attach the amnesty failed 43-55.

: Voted in favor of amnesty for agricultural workers Sen. Murray voted to invoke cloture, a procedural move requiring 60 votes to limit debate and ensure a vote on the AgJOBS amnesty amendment for up to 3 million illegal aliens, introduced by Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), to the Iraq supplemental spending bill. The Senate voted 53 to 45 not to invoke cloture, effectively keeping the amnesty off of the final bill on April 19, 2005.

2006: Voted against amendment to kill amnesty provisions Sen. Murray voted against the Vitter amendment (SA 3963) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) to remove provisions authorizing the “earned legalization” and “agricultural worker” amnesty schemes that would grant amnesty to an estimated 16 million illegal aliens and their families (according to a May, 2006 study by the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector). The Vitter amendment failed by a vote of 33 to 66 on May 17, 2006

2006: Voted in favor of amendment to reward 2 million illegal aliens with amnesty Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Feinstein Amendment to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) to create an "orange card" that would allow an estimated two million illegal aliens to pay a fine, and after 6-8 years, adjust to Lawful Permanent Resident status. The Feinstein Amendment failed by a vote of 37 to 61 on May 23, 2006

2006: Voted in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) which includes an amnesty (both immediate and deferred) for 10.2 million illegal aliens (6.7 million illegal alien workers and 3.5 million illegal alien spouses and/children). The motion to invoke cloture passed by a vote of 73 to 25 on May 24, 2006

2006: Voted on Senate floor in favor of S. 2611 to reward illegal aliens with amnesty Sen. Murray voted in favor of final passage of S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) which includes an amnesty (both immediate and deferred) for 10.2 million illegal aliens (6.7 million illegal alien workers and 3.5 million illegal alien spouses and/children). S. 2611 passed by a vote of 62 to 36 on May 25, 2006

2007: Voted against amendment to strip amnesty provisions from S. 1348 in 2007 Sen. Murray voted against the Vitter Amendment to strip the amnesty provisions from S. 1348 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid). The Vitter Amendment failed by a vote of 29 to 66 (24 May 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor against amendment to bar certain criminals from amnesty Sen. Murray voted against the Cornyn Amendment (SA 1184) to S. 1385 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Harry Reid) to bar criminal aliens from receiving amnesty. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff has estimated that 15% of illegal aliens are criminals. The Cornyn Amendment failed by a vote of 46 to 51 (6 June 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor against amendment to create a disincentive to apply for amnesty Sen. Murray voted against the Cornyn Amendment (SA 1250) to S. 1348 to discourage applicants from applying for amnesty by eliminating the provisions protecting the confidentiality of the information contained in amnesty applications and, instead, requires the sharing of application-related information upon the request of a law enforcement agency, intelligence, or national security agency, or DHS component when requested in connection with a duly-authorized investigation of a civil violation. The Cornyn Amendment passed by a vote of 57 to 39 (6 June 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor against reducing amnesties for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on the substitute amendment (SA 1150) to S. 1348, a bill to reward illegal aliens with amnesty. The motion to invoke cloture would have ended debate on the proposal and limited further discussion of amendments to a previously-agreed upon set of proposals -- thus a vote in favor of cloture was effectively a vote in favor of the amnesty-guestworker bill. The motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 45 to 50 on June 7, 2007

2007: Voted in favor of the DREAM Act amnesty for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to invoke cloture on S. 2205, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act of 2007. S. 2205 would reward up to 2.1 million illegal aliens with amnesty. The motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 52 to 44 (24 October 2007

2008: Voted in favor of agricultural amnesty for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted as a Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee in favor of an amendment to H.R. 2642, the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008. The amendment, introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and titled “Emergency Agriculture Relief,” was an agricultural amnesty. The amendment would require the Department of Homeland Security to grant “emergency agricultural worker status” (i.e., amnesty) for up to five years to as many as 1.35 million illegal aliens, plus their spouses and children, if the illegal alien met certain minimal criteria. The amendment was passed by the Committee by a vote of 17 to 12, but it was eventually removed from the final bill

2003-2004: Cosponsored S. 1545 to reward illegal aliens with in-state tuition (DREAM Act) S. 1545 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) would have rewarded illegal aliens under the age of 21 who have been physically present in the country for five years and are in 7th grade or above with in-state tuition rates at colleges and universities. This bill did not come to a vote.

2003-2004: Cosponsored S. 8 to reward illegal immigration S. 8 would have created an incentive for illegal immigration by granting in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities to certain illegal aliens.

2007: Cosponsoring S. 340 to reward illegal immigration (Ag JOBS) Rep. Murray is a cosponsor of S. 340 (whose main sponsor is Sen. Dianne Feinstein) to reward illegal immigration by protecting illegal aliens granted temporary resident status from prosecution for Social Security fraud.

2009: Cosponsoring S. 1038 to reward illegal immigration Sen. Murray is a cosponsor of S. 1038 to reward illegal immigration by protecting illegal aliens granted temporary resident status from prosecution for Social Security fraud.

2009: Cosponsored a bill to reward illegal aliens with amnesty and in-state tuition Sen. Murray is a cosponsor of S 729, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors [DREAM] Act of 2007. S 729 would allow illegal aliens to pay in-state tuition at America's public colleges and universities. Such a reward for illegal immigration serves as an incentive for more illegal immigration.

1996: Voted in favor of S. 1664 to reduce rewards for illegal immigration Sen. Murray voted in favor of S. 1664 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) that denied illegal aliens in-state tuition, in addition to almost all forms of federal welfare.

2005: Voted in favor of amendment to reward illegal immigration Sen. Murray voted to invoke cloture, a procedural move requiring 60 votes to limit debate and ensure a vote on the AgJOBS amnesty amendment, introduced by Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), to the Iraq supplemental spending bill. The Senate voted 53 to 45 not to invoke cloture, thus effectively keeping the amnesty, which would reward illegal immigration by protecting illegal aliens granted temporary resident status from prosecution for Social Security fraud off the final bill on April 19, 2005

2006: Voted to kill amendment to prevent Social Security for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of a motion to table the Ensign amendment (SA 3985) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter). The Ensign amendment would have prohibited the payment of Social Security benefits for many illegal aliens. The motion to table the Ensign amendment passed by a vote of 50 to 49, effectively killing the amendment on May 18, 2006

2007: Voted on Senate floor against amendment to eliminate rewards for illegal immigration Sen. Murray voted against the Coburn Amendment (SA 1311) to S. 1348 to prohibit in-state tuition for illegal aliens and sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. The Coburn Amendment failed by a vote of 42 to 54 (7 June 2007

2008: Voted in favor of rewarding illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted as a Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee in favor of an amendment to H.R. 2642, the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008. The amendment, introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and titled “Emergency Agriculture Relief,” would have rewarded illegal immigration by protecting illegal aliens granted temporary resident status from prosecution for Social Security fraud. The amendment was passed by the Committee by a vote of 17 to 12, but it was eventually removed from the final bill

2009: Opposed an amendment to prevent illegal aliens from acquiring credit cards Sen. Murray opposed the Vitter Amendment to H.R. 627, The Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act of 2009. This amendment would have required the banks that issue credit cards to ensure that those granted credit cards are in the United States legally by obliging the banks to verify the identity of applicants using REAL ID-compliant documents. By opposing this amendment the Senator helped illegal aliens remain in the United States. The amendment failed 65-28.

2007: Cosponsored a bill to increase the number of Border Patrol agents Sen. Murray cosponsored S. 575, the Border Infrastructure and Technology Modernization Act of 2007. This bill would have increased, between fiscal years 2008 and 2012, the numbers of: (1) full-time agents Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and associated support staff by 500; and (2) full-time Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspectors and associated support staff by 1,000; would have required DHS to provide appropriate and ongoing training to this new personnel to utilize new technologies and ensure that proficiency with those technologies are acceptable to protect U.S. borders; would have required DHS to: (1) prepare and annually update a National Land Border Security Plan; and (2) carry out port of entry and Border Patrol technology demonstration programs; and would have required CBP to: (1) expand trade security programs; and (2) establish demonstration programs: (a) along the southern border for the purpose of implementing at least one Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program along that border; and (b) to develop a cooperative trade security system with maquiladoras (i.e, entities located in Mexico that assemble and produce goods from imported parts for export to the United States) to improve supply chain security. Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) was the measure’s main sponsor.

1996: Voted in favor of S. 1644 to reduce illegal immigration with border control Sen. Murray voted in favor of S. 1664 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch), a large omnibus bill with dozens of provisions aimed at reducing illegal immigration. It included major increases in Border Patrol forces. As well, it barred from any kind of legal entry for 10 years any illegal alien who had been apprehended and deported. S. 1644 passed by a vote of 97-3

2002: Voted in favor of H.R. 3525, to increase border control with an alien tracking and identification system Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2001 that would increase border control efforts by creating an entry-exit system for checking each alien as they enter and leave the U.S. H.R. 3525 passed the Senate unanimously by a vote of 97-0.

2005: Voted in favor of Byrd Amendment to fund increased Border Patrol agents Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Byrd Amendment to H.R. 1268 (an emergency supplemental spending bill) to provide funding to hire 650 more border patrol agents. The amendment passed 65-34 on April 20, 2005

2005: Voted against amendment to DHS appropriations bill to increase border controls Sen. Murray voted against the Ensign Amendment (SA 1219) to H.R. 2360 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Harold Rogers (KY)), the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill. The Ensign Amendment transfers appropriated funds from the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the purpose of hiring 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents. The amendment failed by a vote of 38 to 60 on July 14, 2005

2006: Voted against amendment to create border fence Sen. Murray voted against the Sessions amendment (SA 3979) to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) to construct at least 370 miles of a border fence along the southwest border. The Sessions amendment passed by a vote of 83 to 16 on May 17, 2006

2006: Voted to authorize National Guard to assist in border patrol efforts 2006: Voted against amendment to extend border fence Sen. Murray voted against the Sessions Amendment to H.R. 5441 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Harold Rogers (KY)), the Homeland Security Appropriations bill, to add 370 miles of fence on the Southwest border. The amendment failed by a vote of 29 to 71 on July 13, 2006

Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Ensign Amendment to S. 2611 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Arlen Specter) to authorizes the Governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to order their state's National Guard units to assist the Border Patrol in their efforts. The Ensign Amendment passed by a vote of 83-10 on May 22, 2006

2006: Voted on Senate floor for amendment to fund border fence Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Sessions amendment to H.R. 5631 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Bill Young (FL)), the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. The Sessions amendment would provide for $1.8 billion for the construction of 370 miles of border fencing and 461 miles of vehicle barriers along the southern border. The Sessions amendment passed by a vote of 94-3 on August 2, 2006

2006: Voted against H.R. 6061 to create border fence Sen. Murray voted against H.R. 6061 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Peter King (NY)) to create a 700 mile reinforced fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, and to provide for other barriers for border control. H.R. 6061 passed by a vote of 80-19 on September 29, 2006

2007: Voted on Senate floor against amendment to increase border control Sen. Murray voted against the Coburn Amendment (SA 1311) to S. 1348 to increase border control by requiring: construction of the border fence; implementation of US VISIT (entry-exit system); and biometric identification documents. The Coburn Amendment failed by a vote of 42 to 54 (7 June 2007

2008: Voted against increased border security funding and enforcement Sen. Murray voted against the Sessions Amendment to S CON RES 70. This amendment would increase funding for border security, guarantee 700 miles of fencing, place 6,000 National Guardsmen on the border, and reimburse state and local law enforcement. The amendment passed 61 to 37. A second amendment, the Menendez Amendment to S CON RES 70, was also passed by the Senate. This amendment has the same purpose as the Sessions Amendment, but uses weaker and less-clear text. The Menendez Amendment does not guarantee the number of National Guardsmen on the border, proclaim a zero-tolerance policy in illegal aliens, or guarantee border fencing. The Menendez Amendment passed 53-45 (13 March 2008

2009: Opposed an amendment to complete 700 miles of border fencing Sen. Murray opposed the DeMint amendment to H.R. 2892, the DHS Appropriations bill. The DeMint amendment mandates that the 700 miles of border fencing (which was previously approved and appropriated for) be completed. The DeMint amendment passed 54-44.

1996: Voted in favor of S. 1644 to reduce illegal immigration with interior enforcement Sen. Murray voted in favor of S. 1644 (whose main sponsor was Sen. Orrin Hatch) a bill with dozens of provisions aimed at reducing illegal immigration. It included interior enforcement provisions such as restrictions against sanctuary policies for illegal aliens and employer sanction provisions. S. 1644 passed by a vote of 97-3.

1996: Voted in favor of the Abraham Amendment to S. 1644, a vote against of increased interior enforcement Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Abraham Amendment to strip the voluntary workplace verification program from S. 1644. Workplace verification programs help reduce illegal immigration by withdrawing the job magnet from illegal aliens. The Abraham Amendment failed by a vote of 54-46.

2002: Voted in favor of H.R. 3525, a comprehensive alien tracking and identification system Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2001 to significantly reduce future population growth from illegal immigration by making it much harder for temporary visa holders to stay in the country illegally after their visas expire. H.R. 3525 includes an entry-exit system and an integraded data system with biometric identifiers. H.R. 3525 passed the Senate unanimously by a vote of 97-0.

2005: Voted in favor of Byrd Amendment to increase interior enforcement Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Byrd Amendment to H.R. 1268 (an emergency supplemental spending bill) to provide funding to hire 250 new immigration investigators, and 168 new immigration enforcement agents and deportation officers. The Byrd amendment also provides funds for 2,000 additional detention beds as well as funding to train the new personnel. The amendment passed 65-34 on April 20, 2005

2006: Voted in favor of amendment to increase interior enforcement Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Bingaman Amendment to S. 2454 to authorize grants to state, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies near the borders to assist in immigration enforcement. The Bingaman Amendment passed by a vote of 84 to 6 on April 3, 2006

2006: Voted against amendment to fund immigration investigators Sen. Murray voted against the Sessions Amendment to H.R. 5411 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Harold Rogers (KY)), the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill for 2007. The Sessions Amendment would have added $86 million for 800 additional staff to investigate immigration law violations. The amendment failed by a vote of 34 to 66 on June 13, 2006

2005: Voted against amendment to add detention beds to increase interior enforcement Sen. Murray voted against the McCain amendment to H.R. 2360 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Harold Rogers (KY)), the Department of Homeland Security Approprations Act. The McCain amendment would have increased the number of detention beds to those called for in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. The McCain amendment failed by a vote of 42 to 56 on July 14, 2005

2007: Voted on Senate floor to deter employers from hiring illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of the Sessions Amendment to H.R. 2, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 (whose main sponsor is Rep. George Miller (CA)). The Sessions Amendment would prohibit employers who hire illegal aliens from receiving government contracts. The Sessions Amendment passed by a vote of 94-0 (25 January 2007

2007: Voted on Senate floor against amendment to increase interior enforcement Sen. Murray voted against the Coburn Amendment (SA 1311) to S. 1348 to increase interior enforcement by requiring implementation of US VISIT (entry-exit system) and biometric identification documents. The Coburn Amendment failed by a vote of 42 to 54 (7 June 2007

2007: Voted in favor of sanctuary policies for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of tabling the Vitter Amendment to H.R. 3093, the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) spending bill (whose main sponsor was Rep. Alan Mollohan (WV)). The Vitter Amendment would have denied Federal Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) funding to state and local governments who refuse to share information with Federal immigration authorities. The vote to table the Vitter Amendment passed 52 to 42 (16 October 2007; 6:01pm), effectively killing the amendment.

2007: Voted against increase interior enforcement by funding state and local law enforcement assistance in enforcing Federal immigration laws Sen. Murray voted in favor of tabling the Dole Amendment to H.R. 3093 (whose main sponsor was Rep. Alan Mollohan (WV)), the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008. The Dole Amendment would have appropriated $75 million to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for general support of state and local law enforcement's assistance in the enforcement of Federal immigration laws. The vote to table the amendment passed by a vote of 50 to 42 (16 October 2007; 5:01pm), effectively killing the amendment.

2008: Voted in favor of sanctuary policies for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted in favor of tabling the Vitter Amendment to S. Con. Res. 70, a concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2009. The Vitter Amendment would have created a reserve fund to ensure that Federal assistance does not go to sanctuary cities which ignore the immigration laws of the United States and create safe havens for illegal aliens and potential terrorists. The vote to table the Vitter Amendment passed 58 to 40 (March 13, 2008; 8:13 pm), effectively killing the amendment

2009: Voted against employment verification by opposing 5 year extension of E-Verify Sen. Murray voted in favor of tabling Sen. Jeff Sessions' amendment to the 2009 Omnibus Spending Bill (H.R. 1105). Sen. Sessions' amendment would have reauthorized the E-Verify electronic employment eligibility verification program for a period of five years. E-Verify, with a 99.4% accuracy rate, is perhaps the single, most effective tool in keeping illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. The Omnibus Spending bill did include a six-month extension of E-Verify to keep it from dying, but that this was the second straight short extension (H.R. 1105 contained a short-term extension) rather than providing the long-range stability the program needed. Thus, the 5-year extension was an effort to stop the program from being used as a trade-off for various amnesty plans. The Senate leadership decided to table Sessions amendment rather than allow a floor vote. By voting against the tabling of Sen. Sessions' amendment, Sen. Murray supported the long-term reauthorization of E-Verify. The final vote was 50-47 (10 March 2009

2009: Opposed an amendment to permanently reauthorize the E-Verify system Sen. Murray supported a motion to table the Sessions amendment to H.R. 2892, the DHS Appropriations bill (by supporting the motion to table, the Senator was opposing the amendment). The Sessions amendment authorizes E-Verify permanently, mandates that any business getting a federal contract must run all new hires through E-Verify, and mandates that every existing employee who works on the government contracts must be run through E-Verify. Thus, for the first time, E-Verify can be used to root out illegal aliens who were previously hired. The existing employee provision only applies to that part of a company actually working on the government contract. The motion to table the Sessions amendment failed 44-53 and the amendment passed via a voice vote. By opposing the Sessions amendment the Senator voted to give American jobs to illegal aliens.

2009: Voted in favor of sanctuary policies for illegal aliens Sen. Murray voted to table an amendment (SA 2630) sponsored by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) to the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) spending bill (H.R. 2847). The Vitter Amendment, if adopted, would have prevented federal funds from going to states and municipalities with sanctuary policies in place that protect illegal aliens, criminal aliens, and, potentially, terrorists. The vote to table the Vitter Amendment passed 61 to 38 (7 October 2009, 5:56 PM), effectively killing the amendment

Conservative song “”When You’re Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail” costs coach his job | Just Piper

Well this is more stupidity from the Left!
Conservative song “”When You’re Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail” costs coach his job Just Piper

Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies

Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies

CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The West, Islam and Sharia: Barack Hussein Obama: People Have Noticed

The West, Islam and Sharia: Barack Hussein Obama: People Have Noticed

US breast cancer drug decision 'marks start of death panels' - Telegraph

US breast cancer drug decision 'marks start of death panels' - Telegraph

Grayson is a Douche » Blog Archive » This Is a Horror Movie For Progressives » Blog Archive » This Is a Horror Movie For Progressives - Advocates of Anti-Shariah Measures Alarmed by Judge's Ruling - Advocates of Anti-Shariah Measures Alarmed by Judge's Ruling


Take the time to read this!

Rep Paul Ryan gets slammed

Krugman is beyond ignorant!

Beck on his legacy


From the White House to the Big House: 25 Impeachable Crimes and Counting

From the White House to the Big House: 25 Impeachable Crimes and Counting

Check it out & participate

Retire Barney because we can't afford not to!

Retire Barney because we can't afford not to! Chickenshits didn't call him out!

Spill Vid update

Oil Spill Timeline Update Day 84 from RightChange on Vimeo.

Oil Spill Facts Share this Vid

Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.

The End of the J.D. Hayworth Campaign, Cont.

The End of the J.D. Hayworth Campaign, Cont.

These are great

This is the MSM

Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment Share this with your friends who don't believe BHO was preselected for election.

Make Murray Worry

Make Murray Worry

Iowa billboard linking Obama, Hitler removed  |

Iowa billboard linking Obama, Hitler removed  |

sign the petition

Agree with much of what he says how about you?

Classless ASS BHO

I am a Mama Grizzly Don't Mess w/ me

100 day Birthday of Failure Repeal Healthcare what a travesty this healthcare is.

Creating a critical mass: What is Corporatocracy ?

Creating a critical mass: What is Corporatocracy ?

Little reminders of why you should vote

Bill Press: Tea Party at Lincoln Memorial Same as Al Qaeda Speaking at Ground Zero | The FOX Nation

Bill Press: Tea Party at Lincoln Memorial Same as Al Qaeda Speaking at Ground Zero | The FOX Nation

Nothing Changed

So Dumb She has to be a Democrat

Dear Mr. President ... from Jon Voight - Washington Times

Dear Mr. President ... from Jon Voight - Washington Times - Resign... or Change, Mr. President - Resign... or Change, Mr. President

Go Back & read BHusseinO's Inaugural Address hilite the lies and pass it on

And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.


Sen Kyl on Border remarks to music

Obama Labor Chief: Illegals Have a Right to Fair Wages | The FOX Nation

Obama Labor Chief: Illegals Have a Right to Fair Wages | The FOX Nation

American Thinker: Report: Obama said 'I Am a Muslim'

American Thinker: Report: Obama said 'I Am a Muslim'

YouTube - We The People

Brought tears to my eyes. This is what we must fight to keep!
YouTube - We The People

In Case You Missed It - FOX News: U.S. Closes Park Land Along Mexico Border to Americans - House Committee on Natural Resources, Republicans

In Case You Missed It - FOX News: U.S. Closes Park Land Along Mexico Border to Americans - House Committee on Natural Resources, Republicans

Great POST about Patty Murray

Posted by Gross Misdemeanor at 6/7/2010 12:48 p.m.

"We can't allow big oil companies to destroy our fragile coastlines or the economic activity they bring in their pursuit of profits," the senator wrote."

Yeah! Who was in charge when the rig blew in the gulf. Who was in charge when BP was in line for a safety award. Who was dishing out permits to BP like they poker chips? Who was in charge of the porn and meth addicted MMS? And why is BP drilling so far out and a mile deep in the first place?

You sure you want to go there, Patti? We hope you do.

Dem Congressman is such a Swell Guy.......

< />

BO is an embarassment to America

BO is disgusting and Gibbs is right there with him. Watch the tongue it is Gibbs tell when he knows he is a lying sack of crap. Obama went to Cali to raise money for Bitch Boxer he did not go to memorial service for Oil workers killed in explosion & has not met one on one with familes.

BP responsibility

Did BP manufacture the part that failed? Why don't we hear more about Transocean & Haliburton paying for loss of employment etc? Obama made the decision to impose a moratorium on all drilling in the Gulf. Now he wants them to pay for those lost jobs? Oh, I forgot when it comes to the rule of Law Obama is above that. Please call your Reps tell them that is going to far. Use your head not your emotions. BP is NOT responsible for Obama's dumbass decisions. The majority of elected officials in the region do NOT want the moratorium & neither should you.
Also, Please do NOT boycott BP gas stations. That would be foolish you would be punishing fellow Americans who had nothing to do with the tragedy. A boycott to punish BP will ultimately punish all taxpayers. If BP goes out of business they won't be paying these costs, WE WILL yet again.



The American Spectator : The Empress of ObamaCare

The American Spectator : The Empress of ObamaCare

I'm likin this guy Keep your eye on him

From an ex Dem

Can we Clone him and get one for WA state? Please!!

Christie speaks in Washington DC, calling Newark schools 'absolutely disgraceful'

Sorry little Man actually thinks he is intelligent & Beck is a fool. Sooo Wrong - Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh' - Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh'

Comparison: Liberal Reaction Vs. Conservative Reaction To The Israel/Flotilla Story - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

This is an opinion must read. Israel had every right to react. As Obama shares BBQ with the Nation Of Islams Farrakhan & disrespects America & our fallen military members. Wake up, Obama wants Israel crushed.
Comparison: Liberal Reaction Vs. Conservative Reaction To The Israel/Flotilla Story - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

Montebello High School in California

Montebello High School in California Early May in response to AZ law

You have to keep engaged to win in Nov

You might want to print this, cut it out and put it on your fridge so you
won't forget! Retribution is less than 1 year away!

Take a look at this and just remember elections in November 2010.

1. U..S. House & Senate have voted themselves $4,700 and $5,300 raises.
2. They voted to NOT give you a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and
3. Your Medicare premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years
4. You will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr.
5. Your total 2-yr loss and cost is -$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and
6. Over these same 2-years each Congress person will get $10,000
7. Do you feel SCREWED?
8. Will they have your cost of drugs - doctor fees - local taxes - food,
etc., decrease?
9. NO WAY .
Congress received a raise and has better health and retirement benefits
than you or I.
* Why should they care about you?
* You never did anything about it in the past.
* You obviously are too stupid or don't care.
* Do you really think that Nancy, Harry, Chris, Charlie, Barnie, et al,
care about you?

Send the message to these individuals --- YOU'RE FIRED!

In 2010 you will have a chance to get rid of the sitting Congress: up to
1/3 of the Senate and 100% of the House!
Make sure you're still mad in November 2010 and remind their replacements
not to screw-up.

It is ok to forward this to your sphere of influence if you are finally
tired of the abuse. Maybe it's time for Amendment 28 to the

28th Amendment will be as follows:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United
States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives,
and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or
Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United
States ."
It's time for retribution. Let's take back America ..



This kind of Crap must stop! Always Fight Back!

» Bloggers Beware – They’re Coming After You! - Big Government

» Bloggers Beware – They’re Coming After You! - Big Government

Gotta Love this result

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