
BP responsibility

Did BP manufacture the part that failed? Why don't we hear more about Transocean & Haliburton paying for loss of employment etc? Obama made the decision to impose a moratorium on all drilling in the Gulf. Now he wants them to pay for those lost jobs? Oh, I forgot when it comes to the rule of Law Obama is above that. Please call your Reps tell them that is going to far. Use your head not your emotions. BP is NOT responsible for Obama's dumbass decisions. The majority of elected officials in the region do NOT want the moratorium & neither should you.
Also, Please do NOT boycott BP gas stations. That would be foolish you would be punishing fellow Americans who had nothing to do with the tragedy. A boycott to punish BP will ultimately punish all taxpayers. If BP goes out of business they won't be paying these costs, WE WILL yet again.