The stimulus is working as planned. Yeah that is true. Oh, you don't have a job? Well, BHO will save you, just join Americorp, be a community organizer. College, not a prob man just work for the Gov for 10 years and we will pay your loans. During that 10 years we will warp your mind, control your life and decide your place in life. Only 300k or so jobs will be lost in the next few years as the minimum wage increases. I predict Texas will grow immensely in the next few years as people flock to a relativly free state. Just don't elect K Bailey Hutch she is a turn coat. She wanted to let illegals flock in uncontrolled.
Sounds good to have a minimum wage, yeah ok for all those jobs Americans won't do. Thanks!
Whatever happened to getting a job and proving your worth to gain a raise? Ok let's see here. If you push people into Gov jobs and Gov workers don't have to suffer under the Health Care Reform oooops Health Insurance Reform then you have to take more money out of Health Care that working people pay and ummm well now lets say old people are 55. TAKE A PAIN PILL we won't fix your heart.
Can you see where this is going? I am not into conspiracy therories but take Ted the murderer Kennedy, BHO, Waxmen, Markey et all and you can see this is not going to be good. Federal Govt good, personal freedom bad. BHO thinks Volunteer means a Federal wage. Shit I am gonna quit McD's and "volunteer" for the Govt.
I say again Members of Congress will NOT be included in the plan they are trying to foist on us.
Remember members of Congress do NOT pay for the gas they use. They have the Platinum Health care plan. Their staff has the Platinum plan. What do you have? Do you have an allowance for a vehicle and have the gas paid for? Do you have a Health Care plan that will pay for anything you want? (Pelosi face lifts & mind altering drugs). If Ted the killer Kennedy was not a Senator would he have had instant Brain surgery? At his age? You won't. These people are not better than you. Many of them are not nice people. Please I say again write, call and fax and DEMAND if they want a new so called Health Plan they enroll themselves first.
More jobs to be lost
Posted by BluShadow at 7/24/2009 11:04:00 PM
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