
Part of Article from
By Sam Youngman
Posted: 07/21/09 02:16 PM [ET]
President Obama sharply criticized Republicans on Tuesday for following a “familiar script” to “block healthcare reform.” The president, seeking to prod the Democratic-controlled Congress to show significant progress on healthcare reform before the August recess, directed blame at the GOP for the stalled legislation. Obama blasted the "familiar script" of Republicans who "have openly declared their intention to block healthcare reform."Republicans have lambasted Democrats’ efforts to pass healthcare reform, but they have noted that with comfortable majorities in both chambers and control of the White House, Democrats have the ability to pass their legislation.
Yes, let me see House = Dems 256 Repubs 178 Senate = Dems 60 Repubs 40 Pres =1 Looks to me like they don't need any help destroying this country. The problem Obama is having is after all his bitching and moaning about trying to be Bi-Partisan and getting no respect from the Repubs. He is getting exactly what he asked for Bi-PartisanShip.. BiPartisan opposition to his 10th amendment smashing, 1st amendment destroying legislation. Oh wait, in his conference call with MoveOn etc he admitted he had not read the bill. Oh, and has anyone asked him why if this is so damn important why then did he vote NO 7 times between May 2006 and March 2008 (in his short time in the Senate) on Health Care Reform? Sen Jim DeMint (SC) has been in the forefront of offering proposals meaningful to Health. Nobama is now calling it Health Insurance Refrom by the way.
Don't stop now! Keep calling and writing your sleazy Reps in DC no need to stop with your state either, what these Nimrods do affect ALL American citizens.


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