

RIH Ted Kennedy damn it they are pre-empting Glen Beck. Thank goodness I can get local weather on some channel. I really don't want to hear the glorification of a murderer for the next 2 weeks. Bad enough he got that medal the other day. I can hear it now, some of the few Dems who were going to vote Nyet on the Health Care destruction bill under reconciliation are now going to be pressured to vote Yea in honor of the Liar of the Senate err I mean Lion. If you are offended by my thoughts, OH WELL. I am true to myself and this man was an evil corrupt liar intent on destroying my country so I am not going to play like I care. Right up to the end he tried to manipulate the process so Good Riddance. Well I can bet the good folks of Mass will stupidly put another Kennedy into the Senate. I mean the guy thought he owned the damn position. It is time to stop career politicians and in case you have not noticed this is still America (at least for another week or two) not a monarchy, Senate seats are not inheirited. I mean the insanity infiltrated that other NE state with that little Drug addict, car accident while under the influence Kennedy being elected and re-elected. I mean give me a freakin break. Ok I'll stop for now but I also hope the GD cable stations stop repeating the freakin news for the next many days.
Medal of Freedom my ass, should have been the award for the worst Senator, the man who worked tirelessly to strip Americans of freedom. Beloved by some but not by many.


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