
Not fooled by co-op chatter in WA

What separates the American health care system from others in the world is the relationship between patients and their doctors. Unlike the government-run health care systems in Canada, Great Britain and other countries, our system allows Americans to make health care decisions without government rationing of care. Any attempt at health care reform must strengthen, not hurt, the relationship between patients and doctors. Patients and their families need to be able to make health care decisions based on consultations with doctors. We do not need Washington bureaucrats deciding what we can and cannot do. The co-op chatter is just a sham. The gov will run the co ops don't let them kid you. Some have said 3-5 years of Govt. subsidy to get things going. Hahahahaha how long did they say they would be helping AMTrak? I'm just saying......... Keep the pressure on your Reps.


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