

FLAG THIS! An Open Letter from an ObamaCare Dissenter

In politics on August 5, 2009 at 1:53 pm

The following email was sent to

Dear Obama,
You have severely underestimated the American people. It’s not surprising considering your open disdain for this country and its citizens. You thought we’d go quietly and follow you off the cliff, but we’re not as stupid as you think. Sure, you fooled a slight majority of the population into believing your empty platitudes about “Change.” But as soon as people started to realize your idea of change really meant imposing socialism on America, your popularity began to plummet. It’s taken about 8 months for people to wake up but less than half of the country now supports you. And as for your agenda, it’s even less popular. You took the American people for chumps. You believed we were fat, lazy and stupid. You thought it would be easy to destroy us from within. You were wrong. We know the truth about ObamaCare. All we have to do is listen to your own words. Over a period of time you plan to eliminate private insurance and move to a single payer government plan. If that were implemented you would have control over every aspect of our lives. But it ain’t gonna happen. The American people have been awakened and they will not allow you to “change” this country any further. In your mind you think the ends justify the means. You childishly believe we can achieve a socialist utopia and once everyone sees how wonderful it is, they will forgive and even thank you for imposing it on us. But America isn’t some banana republic ripe for the picking. As much as you may hate it, this country was founded on principles of freedom and it runs deep in our blood. You are not a king or a dictator who gets to impose his will on us. You are just a citizen, no better and no worse than any other. This is a representative government and you are not representing the will of the people. Feel free to try to convince us your way is better by playing in the arena of civil discourse and free speech. But the lying and strong-arm tactics have to stop. The American people will not allow it. It’s time for you to stand down Mr. President. We have rejected ObamaCare and the sooner you realize that the better it will be for all of us.

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