
It just keeps getting scarier

Read the article here is there no end to the power grab, land grab, and all the other grabs the Nomama admin is trying to pull off? Pay for your home for years and now you get to rent it for awhile, folks this man is truly EVIL! Please pay attention to what is happening to your country and call and email your Reps and tell them JUST SAY NO! NO TO CAP & TRADE, NO TO HEALTH CARE, NO TO STIMULUS 3 AND NO TO ALL THE OTHER CRAP THEY ARE PULLING AND ALSO DEMAND AN END TO CZARS! Czars are not confirmed by the Senate, they don't have to have any qualifications other than not paying taxes and breaking one law or another and they can BUY STOCK IN ANY COMPANY AND THEN FUND IT TO RAISE THE PRICE AND MAKE MEGA $$. I have the feeling we are going to send away a whole lot of freaks in 2010 BUT ONLY IF WE STILL HAVE A COUNTRY LEFT BY THEN! Don't forget Nobama backed Zelaya in Honduras what makes you think he won't make the same sort of attempt at ending term limits for President of US? For those of you with friends and loved ones in Iraq, Afghanistan or any other country fighting for our freedom don't let them come home to find out they and we are no longer free.


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