
Personal Thoughts on so called Health Reform

I have been trying to convince friends and family to contact their Reps and ask them why the Physicians in the Congress are not the ones writing reform, as who knows better? While the cost is an issue for sure it is a side issue. I don't want to go to a Dr. who is being forced to see me on someone elses terms, that someone being a know nothing bureaucrat. As you often hear if you complain about a chefs food and send it back - more often than not when your plate returns it will have some added ingredients. True? I do not know but I agree the possibility is there. If you are a Doctor who went into medicine for all the right reasons how can you not end up resenting the system this reform will create and get lazy on the care you give? Those who expect something for nothing deserve what they get. Those that are personally responsible and make their own choices would never ever choose a bureaucrat to determine their care.
I am emailing and calling my Reps daily, tho I know they probably don't care what I say, my hope is that millions of my fellow citizens are doing the same and at some point our message will be heard. I think Sen. Coburn has some wonderful ideas but no one seems to listen.
My health is worth spending some of my hard earned $$ on but only when I am the one who chooses what that care is going to be and who is going to provide it. Food for thought, I had a sick cat and took him to the "medicade level" vet clinic, He is dead. I had another cat that got the exact same sickness, I took him to the "private level" vet clinic where together we made choices & decisions regarding how to treat him & he is alive 3 years later. I still grieve for my lost cat knowing he could be alive today if I had gone to the "private level" care. Under the so called reform as it is written today many Americans will be my dead cat. Think about it.


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