
Sensibile tips on the Flu

Please read this article on Swine Flu. It is common sense. No one has been talking about it for months but it is still out there so why not take a few simple steps. I personally don't intend to try to get a shot. I'm more scaredof a hastily created vaccine then I am of getting this flu. I have not gotten a flu shot in years. The last 2 times I did I got soooooo sick and the Nurse said, " Just think how bad you would feel if you hadn't gotten the shot" Well I have not been sick since then. Works for me. However, I plan to fly next week so I am taking my wipes with me and not touching anything I don't wipe first. I don't give a rats arse what other people think.
Anyway, it won't hurt to spend a couple minutes reading this & keeping it in mind when the Media has nothing else to hype about in a month or two.


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